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18 1 Vo.l 18, No. 1 2009 2 JOURNAL OF NATURAL D ISASTERS Feb. , 2009 : 100 - 57 ( 2009) 01-0112-06 1, 2, 3 1 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 匡昭敏 , 朱伟军, 黄永璘 , 杨 鑫 , 何 立 , 孙 涵 ( 1. , 2100 ; 2. , 530022; 3. , 530022) : , EOS/MODIS, (IVC ) (ITC ), ID , ID , 2005, , ID ID ITC IVC, , IT CIVC, IT C IVC , ITC IVC : ; ; ; : TP79; P 26 : A R esearch on rem ote sensing d rough t m on itoring m odel for G uangxi karst arid agricu ltural area 1, 2, 3 1 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 KUANG Zhao-m in , ZHU W e-i jun , HUANG Y ong-lin , YANG X in , HE Li , SUN H an ( 1. Nanjing U niversity of Inform ation Science, Nanjing 2100 , China; 2. GuangxiM eteorological DisasterM itigation Institute, N anning 530022, China; 3. Rem ote Sensing Application and Validation Base ofNational SatelliteM eteorologicalCenter, Nanning 530022, China) Abs tract: The karst plain area in m iddleGuangxi is an mi portant grain production base, but drought has become se- rious mi pedmi ent to regional development. Land surface temperature dataset and NDV I dataset derived from EOS/ MOD IS w ere used to calcu late vegetation cond ition index and temperature cond ition index, and a dryness index ID w as constructed. The w eight of each parameterw as determ ined by analyzing the correlative coefficients bewt een dry- ness index I and agricu lture drought percentage, U sing the I , the spatiotemporal


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