
楼宇齐爱护care for our buildings - buildings department.pdf

楼宇齐爱护care for our buildings - buildings department.pdf

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楼宇齐爱护care for our buildings - buildings department

Our Growth 2003 2001 1997 1993 2005 2008 2010 屋宇署 BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT 1993-2013 BUILDINGS屋宇署 DEPARTMENT th 20 Anniversary 序 FOREWORD 署長的話 Message from the Director of Buildings 發展局局長賀辭 Congratulatory message from the Secretary for Development 前屋宇署署長賀辭 Congratulatory messages from the former Directors of Buildings PART 1 我 們 的 歷 程 OuR JOuRnEy 過去20年的重大事件及執法政策的改變 Major events in the past 20 years and changes in enforcement policies 1993 - 1999 2000 - 2002 2003 - 2010 2011 - 2013 序 FOREWORD 署長的話 Message from the Director of Buildings 發展局局長賀辭 Congratulatory message from the Secretary for Develop- ment 前屋宇署署長賀辭 Congratulatory messages from the former Directors of Buildings PART 1 我 們 的 歷 程 OuR JOuRnEy 過去20年的重大事件及執法政策的改變 Major events in the past 20 years and changes in enforcement policies PART 2 我 們 的 今 與昔 OuR PAsT AnD PREsEnT 屋宇署的演變 The evolution of Buildings Department (BD) 不同的架構


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