
CAS-LIBB 微束计算机控制系统运行与改进Running and improving of .PDF

CAS-LIBB 微束计算机控制系统运行与改进Running and improving of .PDF

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CAS-LIBB 微束计算机控制系统运行与改进Running and improving of

基金项目: 1.基金颁发部门:国家自然科学基金委;项目名称:核技术及其应用;编号 基 金申请人:吴李君 2 .基金颁发部门:国家自然科学基金委;项目名称:高氯化钠环境对 细胞辐射旁效应传导的影响;编号 基金申请人:吴李君 CAS-LIBB 微束计算机控制系统运行与改进 1 2 王晓华 ,吴李君 (1.合肥工业大学 计算机与信息学院,合肥 230009 ; 2 .中科院离子束生物工程学重点实验室,等离子体物理研究所, 合肥 230031 ) 摘 要:作为辐射生物学发展的前沿,微束已经成为当今世界上用来研究低剂量辐射生物效 应的一个强有力手段。单离子微束装置是一种将离子束斑的直径限制在微米量级范围内,并 能将预定数目的离子精确注入到细胞中某一指定位置的辐射装置。结合一套自行开发的控制 程序,CAS-LIBB 微束装置的计算机控制系统可以实施对生物样品的精确定量和定点辐射。 本文首先给出了装置定量和定点辐射的精度测定结果,该精度完全能够胜任细胞-亚细胞尺 度的精确辐射。接下来详细探讨了控制系统的改进工作,最后对控制系统进行了展望。 关键词:微束;离子;控制系统;实验精度;技术改进 中图分类号:TP273+.5 文献标示码:A 文章编号: Running and improving of the computer control system for the CAS-LIBB microbeam 1 2 WANG Xiao-hua , WU Li-jun (1. School of Computer Information, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009,China; 2. Key Laboratory of Ion Beam Bioengineering, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China) Abstract: In recent years, there are increasing interests in the use of single-particle microbeams, which can deliver precisely counted single particles with a spatial resolution of a few microns or less, for radiobiological research. With a self-developed computer control program, the computer control system of the CAS-LIBB microbeam can target samples for irradiation with precisely counted single particles and a spatial resolution of a few microns or less. The single-particle detecting efficiency and targeting accuracy are firstly offered. The measurement results have a sufficient resolution for cellular and sub-cellular irradiation. Then the improving of the computer control system is discussed. At last, the prospect of the system is presen


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