
Electrons, Protons and Hydrogen Atoms 电子、质子和氢原子.PDF

Electrons, Protons and Hydrogen Atoms 电子、质子和氢原子.PDF

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Electrons, Protons and Hydrogen Atoms 电子、质子和氢原子

Modern Physics 现代物理, 2016, 6(4), 71-82 Published Online July 2016 in Hans. /journal/mp /10.12677/mp.2016.64008 Electrons, Protons and Hydrogen Atoms —The Micro Particle Internal Structure Parsing Qingju Tian Panjiakou Water Conservancy Project Management Bureau, The Ministry of Water Resources, Tianjin th st th Received: Jun. 11 , 2016; accepted: Ju l. 1 , 2016; published: Jul. 4 , 2016 Copyright © 2016 by author and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract In this paper, based on the double wave packet double origin particle model [1], the internal structure of electron, proton and hydrogen atom is discussed by combining the four-dimensional space and four-dimensional space concept. This paper describes the image and the internal struc- ture of the electron and proton, so the concepts of the modern physics of the micro-particles wave function, spin physics, particle oscillation state, the uncertainty principle, etc., show the easily understood pictures. By comparing the movement of electron in four-dimensional x space and proton in four dimensional E space, it is proposed that the proton monopole with large symme- trical electron monopole is magnetic monopole. Then there is a new interpretation of the electro- magnetic interaction, strong interaction and the structure of the material atoms in the hydrogen atom. This review of elementary particles from a new angle, is different from the mathematical derivation of micro material abstract description, but it’s more intuitive, beautiful, concise, and clear.


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