
TSP 203在隧道施工中的应用.PDF

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TSP 203在隧道施工中的应用

2010 1 Jan 2010 1( 136) JOURNAL OF RA ILWAY ENGINEERING SOC IETY NO. 1( Ser. 136) : 1006- 2106( 2010) 01- 0073- 04 TSP 203 (中铁二十四局集团有限公司西南指挥部, 成都 610031) : : , , , TSP 203, TSP 203 : TSP 203 100~ 1 0 m , TSP 203 , , , , : ; TSP 203; ; : U4 : A Application ofTSP 203 in TunnelConstruction WANG Bing- di ( Southw est Construction Headquarter, Ch ina R aiwl ay 24 th Bureau Group Co. Ltd. , Chengdu, Sichuang 610031, China) Abstract: Research purposes: Taihang Mountain Tunnel is pressing in construction schedu le and complicated in topograph ic and geologic cond itions. To ensure the tunnel completion in tmi e and speed up the construction process, th is paper researches the usage methods, work ing contents, work ing procedures and data analysis methods of the advanced prediction and forecast technology TSP 203 for rap id and accurate surveying the engineering geological and hydrogeological conditions ahead of the tunnel. Research conclusions: TSP 203 can accurately predict the nature, location and scale of the rock body in the area of 100- 1 0 m ahead of the tunne,l especially the unfavorable geology, such as karst caves, fau lt zone and fracture zone. Application of TSP 203 in tunnel construction can reduce the blindness in tunnel construction, effectively prevent the appearances of the unfavorable geological d isaster and construction accidents, and speed up the construction progress. ey words: tunnel construction; TSP 203; prediction; forecast , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , : 2009- 12- 1


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