
一种描述逻辑与逻辑程序相结合的杂合系统DLclog - 软件学报.PDF

一种描述逻辑与逻辑程序相结合的杂合系统DLclog - 软件学报.PDF

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一种描述逻辑与逻辑程序相结合的杂合系统DLclog - 软件学报

ISSN 1000-9825, CODEN RUXUEW E-mail: jos@ Journal of Software , Vol.19, No.12, December 2008, pp.3100−3 110 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1001.2008.03100 Tel/Fax: +86-10 © 2008 by Journal of Software . All rights reserved. ∗ 一种描述逻辑与逻辑程序相结合的杂合系统 DLclog + 杨方凯 , 陈小平 ( 中国科学技术大学 计算机科学与技术系 多主体系统实验室,安徽 合肥 230027) A Hybrid System DLclog Integrating Description Logics and Rules + YANG Fang-Kai , CHEN Xiao-Ping (Multi-Agent System Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027, China) + Corresponding author: E-mail: fkyang@ Yang FK, Chen XP. A hybrid system DLclog integrating description logics and rules. Journal of Software, 2008,19(12):3100−3110. /1000-9825/19/3100.htm Abstract : Based on the vision of the Semantic Web, DLclog, a new hybrid formalism combining description logics (DL) and logic programming (LP), is described, which extends DL+log from syntax and semantics. In DLclog, negative dl-atoms can occur in the bodies of the rules, and are interpreted non-classically by McCarthy’s parallel circumscription, i.e., the extents of these DL predicates are minimized with the extents of all other DL predicates varying. In this way, the Nonmonotonic Semantics (NM-Semantics) of DL+log is extended to the Nonmonotonic Circumscriptive Semantics (NMC-Semantics), and therefore, DLclog becomes the hybrid s


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