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第 36卷 第 8期 激 光 与 红 外 Vo l. 36,No. 8
2006年 8月 LA SER IN FRARED Augu st, 2006
文章编号 : 100 15078 (2006)
汪桂霞 ,徐昌杰 ,王青松
(西安工业学院光电工程学院 ,陕西 西安 710032)
摘 要 :提出了一种新的波片快慢轴的确定方法 ,此方法是将待测波片置于起偏器和检偏器之
间 ,通过旋转待测波片 ,对出射光的光强进行两组数据测量 ,就可以确定待测波片的某一光学
主轴 ,再通过判断出射光的偏振态来确定该光学主轴是快轴还是慢轴 。本方法对测量用的光
源波长 、光电探测器的线性 、暗流及各向同性性均没有要求 ,可以确定出任何相延角波片的快
慢轴 ,定轴精度可达 ±0. 1 °。
关键词 :波片 ;快慢轴 ;椭圆偏振光 ;旋向
中图分类号 : O432 文献标识码 : A
A New M ethod of Conf irm ing the Fa st or Slow
Ax is Az im uth of W ave Pla te
WAN G Gu ixia, XU Changj ie, WAN G Q ingsong
(D ep artm en t of p hotoelectric engineering, X i’an In stitute of techno logy, X i’an 710032 , Ch ina)
A b stract: In The p ap er a new m ethod wh ich can m ark the p lacem en t of the fa st or slow axis of wave p late is sugges
ted. The m ea sured wave p late is p laced between po larizer and analyzer, and m easure s the in ten sity of the em ergent
ligh t for two group data through revolving it, w ith that can m ark one of the op tics p rincip al axises of the m easu red
wave p late. Then, m ea su ring the op tics p rincip al axis is the fa st or slow axis through judging the state of polarization of
the em ergent ligh t. The m ethod have not any requ ire to the wavelengh th of the lamp hou se, and to the linearity, un
dercu rrent, isotropy of the p hotoelectric detector . It can m ark the p lacem en t of the fa st or slow axis of the wave p late
having any p ha se delay, the p recision of m ark in
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