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V o l N o
1997 年 9 月 . 1997
T ransactions of the CSA E Sep t
阎备战 丛 茜 任露泉 李安琪
( 吉林工业大学) ( 吉林省生物研究所)
提 要 利用生物体表交流电渗作用的信息, 将交流电引入仿生非光滑表面电渗技术中, 并进
行了试验研究, 考察了交流电的频率对电渗效应的影响, 利用试验优化技术对交流电的频率,
电压两个因素进行了二元二次回归组合设计的试验, 建立了显著的回归方程。对交流电在仿生
关键词 交流电 仿生非光滑表面 电渗 试验研究
Exper im en t and Study on the Action Pr inc iple of A lterna ting
Curren t in Electroosm osis on the So il B ion ic Non sm ooth Surface
Ya n B e izha n C ong Q ia n Re n Luqua n L i An q i
(J ilin U niversity of T echnology , Chang chun) (J ilin R esearch Institu te of B iology )
Abstract A cco rding to the info rm ation of su rface electroo sm o sis on the creatu res, alter
nating cu rren t w as u sed in electroo sm o sis on the so il b ion ic non sm oo th su rface, and w as
experim en ted on. T he effects of frequency of alternating cu rren t on the so il adhesion w as
studied. U sing the experim en tal op tim ization techn ique, the effects of frequency and vo lt
age of alternating cu rren t on the so il adhesion w ere tested , and a no tab le regression fo rm u
la w as ob tained. T he theo ry basis w as founded fo r the app lication of alternating cu rren t in
b ion ic non sm oo th su rface electroo sm o sis
Key words A lternating cu rren t B ion ic non sm oo th su rface E lectroo sm o sis Experi