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2005 2 16 2 CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY, Feb. 2005, 16( 2)∀375~ 378 * 1, 3 1* * 2 韩明春 吴建军 王 芬 ( 1 , 310029; 2 , 310000; 3 , 310012) 20 90 . , . , : , ( ) , , , . , . 100 1- 9332( 2005) 02- 0375- 04 S181 A 1 1 Redundancy theory and its application in agroecosystem management. HA N Mingchun , WU Ji njun , WANG 2 1 2 Fen ( AgroEcology Institute of Zhej iang Univ ersity, Hangz hou 310029, China; Standing Committee of the 3 eop le! s Congress of Zhej iang rovince, H angzhou 310000, China; Zhej iang Env ironmental Monitoring Cen ter , Hangzhou 310012, China). Chin.J. App l. Ecol . , 2005, 16( 2) : 375~ 378. Redund ncy theory is n ecologic l theory developed in 1990s. This p per g ve brief introduction on t he concept of redund ncy, its hypothesis nd redund ncy degree, nd briefly reviewed t he rese rch dv nces in redund ncy theory nd in the methodologies bout species redund ncy, l yer redund ncy , gene redund ncy , nd growth redun d ncy. A hypothesis of optim l growth redund ncy degree ( OGRD) w s proposed, i. e. , under cert in cultiv tion nd m n gement conditions, there existed growth redund ncy degree corresponding to t he highest crop yield, nd high y ield would be obt ined if OGRD could be chieved through the regul tion of m n gement pr ctices. The hypothesis w s tested by using the d t from highyielding rice cultiv tion c ses. Key words Redund ncy, Redund ncy degree, Optim l growth redund ncy degree, Agroecosystems m n gement. , ,


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