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古典文论的现代解释伦理 — 《 》 —— 以刘熙载 艺概 研究为探讨平台 夏中义 : 《 》 , , : 摘 要 以刘熙载 艺概 的当今研究为平台 来探讨古典文论的现代解释伦理 有两个意图 一是谨防谈古籍的现代解释 , , ; 《 》 , 。 “ 伦理时空对空 不接地气 酷似无靶漫射 二是确实想为包括 艺概 在内的古籍今释觅一新路 以举一反三 假如 要在 ”, “ ” ; “ ”, 原典语境提纯概念本义 委实能为刘熙载 诗意 概念执行美学洗礼 假如 要在传统谱系还原思辨本味 委实能劝勉 ; “ ”, 同仁不无条件地以今喻古 假如 要在人格根基敬惜先哲本色 委实能提示后学宜沉潜于古籍赖以发生的心理动因深 — 究 ——此文值矣。 : ; ; 《 》; ; 关键词 刘熙载 古典文论 艺概 现代解释 伦理 : , , :20 。 : 作者简介 夏中义 上海交通大学中文系教授 研究方向 世纪中国文艺理论史案 电子邮箱 xiazhongyi@vip. 163. com Title :The Ethics of Modern Interpretation of Classical Literary Theory :An Investigation Through Liu Xizais General Principles of Art Abstract :This paper starts with a discussion of Liu Xizais General Principles of Art so as to investigate the ethics of modern interpretation of Chinese classical literary theory. The two aims of the paper are to connect the ethical spaces between classics and the modern interpretations and to elucidate an approach through the example of Liu Xizais work. The paper proposes three ways to approach Liu Xizais original work :to clarify the concepts in their original context ,to trace the original trajectory of reasoning in the genealogy of tradition ,and to interpret and pay due respect for the moral integrity reflected in the work ,so that the approach may tackle with the issues of aesthetics ,intellects and psychology. Keywords :Liu Xizai ; classical literary theory ; The General Principles of Art ; modern interpretation ; ethics Author :Xia Zhongyi is a professor with the Department of Chinese Language and Literatu


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