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33 1 () Vol. 33 No. 1 2010 3 JOURNAL OF NANJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY ( N tur l Science Edition) M r, 2010 嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌(S tenotrop hom onas m altop h ilia ) R551-3四环素抗性消除的研究 马鹏娟, 刘中华, 戴亦军, 袁 生 (, , , 210046) [ ] , . , R55 1-3Tcr- , , pJB866H: : ndhSL, . HPLC , . [ ] , , , , [ ] Q819 [ ] A [ ] 100 1-46 16( 2010) 01-0084-06 Study on Elimination of theTetracyclineResistance in Stenotrop hom onas ma ltop h ilia R551-3 M a Pengjuan, L iu Z honghua, Da i Y ijun, Y uan Sheng ( J i ngsu Provinci lE ng ineering nd Techno logy Rese rch C enter forM icrob iology Resource Indu stri liz tion, Ji ngsu Key L bor tory of B iodiversity nd B iotechnology, School of L ife Science, N njing N orm lUn iversity, N njing 210046, Ch in ) Abstract:S teno trop hom onas maltop h ilia c n degr de neon icotinoid insecticide mi id cloprid through co-met bolism nd exhibits m ultiple ntib iotic resist nce. Through electropor tion we obt ined R55 1-3 mu t nt w hich lost tetr cy cline re- T cr- s ist nce. Besides, the tetr cycline resist nt pl sm id pJB866H: : ndhSL w s successfu lly tr nsform ed into the R551-3 T cr- str in. Therefore, the R551-3 str in c n be used s recipien t to construct Steno trop hom onas m altop h ilia genetic tr nsform tion sy stem. The tetr cycline resist nce lostm ut n t keeps the bility of hydroxyl ting mi id cloprid. B sed on this mut nt, the follow ing gene knockou t nd recovery expermi ents c n be c rried out. Key words:Steno trop hom onas maltop h ilia, mi id cloprid, electropor tion, res


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