
基于FabryPerot 干涉仪的闭环微光机电加速度计 - 北京航空航天大学 .PDF

基于FabryPerot 干涉仪的闭环微光机电加速度计 - 北京航空航天大学 .PDF

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基于FabryPerot 干涉仪的闭环微光机电加速度计 - 北京航空航天大学

2006 6 June 2006 32 6 Journal of BeijingUniversity of Aeronautics and Astronautics Vol.32 No6 FabryPerot 冯丽爽 刘惠兰 林 恒 张春熹 ( , 100083) : 设计了一种闭环反馈差动式双FP 腔的微光机电( OE S)加 度计,介绍了 其工作原理及系统构成. 利用惯性敏感单元将对载体加 度的测量转变为对载体位移的测量, 利用光纤自聚焦透镜的端面与质量块组成的FP腔测量载体位移.为了提高系统的测量灵敏度 和抑制温度等环境因素的影响,设计了一种差动式双FP腔测量机构.为提高微加 度计的输 出线性度和动态测量范围,提出了采用静电力平衡技术构成闭环加 度计. 建立了其数学模 型,对所设计的加 度计重要参数指标 灵敏度敏感头受载固有频率等一一进行了详细 计算和分析.在此基础上完成了设计背景要求下加 度计参数的优化设计,结果表明: 该系统 - 6 精度可以达到5 10 g 以上. : 微光机电系统; 加 度计; 法布里珀罗干涉仪; 闭环 : TH 7 : A :2006 MOEMS accelerometer based on double FabryPerot interferometers and closed loop Feng Lishuang Liu Huilan LinHeng Zhang Chunxi (School of Instrument Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, Beijing University ofAeronauticsand Astronautics, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract: A microoptoelectromechanical accelerometer based on differential doubleFabryPerot interferome ters(DFPI) and closed loopwas designed. Theprinciple andthestructureof the accelerometerwere introduced. In ertial sensitivemodule was used to translate carrier! s acceleration measurement to its displacement measurement. The displacement was measured by FabryPerot interferometers composed of the mass and the end surface of fiber selffocusing lens. The structure of differential DFPIwas designedto improve the sensitivity and restrainthe influ enceof environment factors such astemperature. The closed loop accelerometer using electrostatic servo technology was put forwardto improvethe output linearity and dynamicrange. The mathematicmodel of the accelerometerwas founded, and particular calculation and analysiswas made for important parameters, such as sensitivity, carrying capacityof the se


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