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29 6 V ol . 29, No . 6
2009 12 Bulletin of So il and Water Co nserv atio n Dec. , 2009
莫训强, 李洪远, 郝 翠, 孟伟庆, 梁 耀元, 李端
, 300071)
: , ,
, , 46 135 232 ,
, (Compositae), (Gramineae), (Leguminosae), (Chenopodiaceae) , (Po-
lygonaceae) 5
, 38 , 28. 36%, ;
, 20. 90% 15 . 67% ;
: ; ;
: A : 1000- 2 88X 2009) 06- 0079- 05 : S 154. 2
Floral Characteristics of Dominant Plants in Tianjin Coastal New Area Wetland
MO Xun- qiang , L I H ong-y uan , H A O Cui, MEGN W e-i qing , L IA N G Y ao- yuan , LI Duan
(College of Environmental Science and Engineering, and Key Laboratory of Pollution
Processes and Environmental Criteria of the inistry of Education, Nankai University, Tianj in 300071, China)
Abstract: U sing t he principle of geobot any and t he sam pling met hods and specim en co llect io n, t he area-l t y pes
of f am ilies and g enera and t he geogr aphic element s o f genera are analy zed t hr oug h primary surv ey o f t he
plants in T ianjin Binhai N ew A r ea. T he invest ig ated 232 species belo ng to 4 6 f am ilies and 135 genera, indica-
t ing edificat ors , dom inant species , and main accompanying species . A mong these plants , Comp ositae, Gra-
mineae, Leguminosae, Chenop odiaceae and Polygonaceac are of m ost im po rt ance. In v iew o f the plant m or-
pholog ical char act erist ics, t he w et land plant s in t he area have 14 ar ea-l ty pes, among w hich 38 g enera occup-
y ing 28. 36% o f the t ot al belong t o cosmopolit an- areal ty pe and this appar ent ly indicates t hat t
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