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考古 011 年第9期 王晓毅 : KEYWORDS: Shanxi Kelan Count Q iao iaw an Site Late Phase of Lon shan Cult ure y j g Cave Dw ellin s g ABSTRA CT: In 009, Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeolo excavat ed the Qiao iaw an Sit e gy j w hich w as on the route of the hi hw a from Xinzhou Cit to Baode Count , Shanxi. T he excavation g y y y recovered 16 cave dw ellin s of t he lat e Lon shan Period, 10 of w hich w ere w ell reserved, all consist in g g p g of the s uare room w ith curved corners, the narrow and rotrudin doorw a and t he heart h in the center q p g y of the room enerall 10 t o 15 s m in size, and som e of t hem had outdoor act ivit zones reserved. T he g y q y p floors and w alls of t hese cave dw ellings w ere all coat ed w ith lime plaster. T he typical artifact unearthed f rom these cave dw ellings is t he licauldron w it h double lugs on the sides; through the comparison w ith t he counterpart s uneart hed from nearby areas, t his site is dated as t he late phase of Longshan Culture. T he excavat ion of Qiaojiaw an Site provided valuable physical m aterials for the research on t he cult ural features in the northw est ern Shanxi at t he end of Neolithic Age. , , 009 4~ 7 , 1415~ 1435 , 11136 77, , 0 5 , 3841035 一遗


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