
广义相对论行星运动方程的闭合对称解Closed and Symmetric .PDF

广义相对论行星运动方程的闭合对称解Closed and Symmetric .PDF

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广义相对论行星运动方程的闭合对称解Closed and Symmetric

广义相对论行星运动方程的闭合对称解 付昱华 (中海油研究总院,E-mail:fuyh1945@) 摘要:虽然许多学者认为,原有的广义相对论行星运动方程的非闭合非对称解,能够解出 行星近日点进动之值,但是实际上其中也存在一些不足之处。本文讨论广义相对论行星运 动方程的闭合对称解。根据该闭合对称解,广义相对论将不能用于处理行星近日点进动问 题。同时,如果广义相对论行星运动方程的解是唯一的,则包含无穷多项的非闭合非对称 解将趋近于闭合对称解。根据包括了到目前为止自然科学全部方程式的“局部和暂时(到 目前为止)的自然科学统一理论”,应用变分原理的方法给出行星近日点进动问题的最佳闭 合对称近似解。根据闭合对称解,提出行星的轨迹是旋转的椭圆或近似椭圆;亦即行星近 日点进动是两个运动的复合结果:根据万有引力定律确定的椭圆运动或根据广义相对论行 星运动方程确定的闭合对称近似椭圆运动产生近日点,太阳系的涡旋运动又产生近日点进 动,而进动的参数则由广义相对论确定,或者根据精确的天文观测确定。 关键词:广义相对论,行星运动方程,闭合对称解,局部和暂时(到目前为止)的自然科 学统一理论,变分原理,行星近日点进动,旋转椭圆 Closed and Symmetric Solution for Planetary Motion Equation of General Relativity FU Yuhua (CNOOC Research Institute, E-mail:fuyh1945@) Abstract: Although many scholars consider that original non-closed and non-symmetric solution for planetary motion equation of general relativity can be used to solve the problem of advance of planetary perihelion, it has some shortcomings really. This paper discusses the closed and symmetric solution for planetary motion equation of general relativity, and that means that general relativity cannot be used to solve the problem of advance of planetary perihelion. Also, if the solution for planetary motion equation of general relativity is unique, then the non-closed and non-symmetric solution including infinite terms should tend to the closed and symmetric solution. According to partial and temporary unified theory of natural science so far including all the equations so far related to natural science and its variational principle, the optimization method can be used to reach the optimal approximate closed and symmetric solution for problem of advance of planetary perihelion. On the basis of the closed and symmetric solution, the planetary orbit should be a rotating ellipse or a rotating


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