
(abuse and nefarious use of cloud computing) 云端运算的七大安全 .ppt

(abuse and nefarious use of cloud computing) 云端运算的七大安全 .ppt

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在這份文件中,將雲端安全分為兩大領域,分別為治理 (Governance) 與維運 (Operation),其下各有 5 個與 7 個分類,共計 12 個分類: 治理 (Governance) 1.治理與企業風險管理 (Governance and Enterprise 2.Risk Management) 3.法律與電子資料搜尋 (Legal and Electronic Discovery) 4.法規遵守與稽核 (Compliance and Audit) 5.資訊生命週期管理 (Information Lifecycle Management) 6.可攜性與互通性 (Portability and Interoperability) 維運 (Operation) 1.傳統上的安全、業務持續與災難復原 (Traditional Security, Business Continuity, and Disaster Recovery) 2.資料中心維運 (Data Center Operations) 3.事件處理、通知與回復 (Incident Response, Notification, and Remediation) 4.應用程式安全 (Application Security) 5.加密與金鑰管理 (Encryption and Key Management) 6.身份與存取管理 (Identity and Access Management) 7.虛擬化 (Virtualization) 維運 (Operation) 6.身份與存取管理 (Identity and Access Management) Identity Provisioning: One of the major challenges for organizations adopting Cloud Computing services is the secure and timely management of on-boarding (provisioning) and off-boarding (deprovisioning) of users in the cloud. Furthermore, enterprises that have invested in user management processes within an enterprise will seek to extend those processes and practice to cloud services. cloud-based Identity and Access Management (IAM) 維運 (Operation) 6.身份與存取管理 (Identity and Access Management) Authentication: When organizations start to utilize cloud services, authenticating users in a trustworthy and manageable manner is a vital requirement. Organizations must address authentication-related challenges such as credential management, strong authentication (typically defined as multi-factor authentication), delegated authentication, and managing trust across all types of cloud services. cloud-based Identity and Access Management (IAM) 維運 (Operation) 6.身份與存取管理 (Identity and Access Management) Federation: In a Cloud Computing environment, Federated Identity Management plays a vital role in enabling organizations to authenticate their users of cloud services using the organization’s chosen identity provider (IdP). In that context, exchanging id


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