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37 11 V o l37 N o11
2009 11 Coal Science and T echno logy N ov. 2009
EH 4
赵 光 荣
( , 0 17000)
: 为了对未知采空区进行勘察, 从而消除安全隐患, 在介绍 EH 4 电磁成像系 原理方法
和特点的基础上, 简述了 EH 4 系 探测采空区的施工方法技术及资料处理与解释方法, 煤矿采
空区探测实例表明, EH 4 电磁成像系 对采空区有较好的反映, 探测效果显著, 这也为以后的采
: EH 4 采空区 电阻率 布极方式 极距
: TD 15 : A : 0253- 2 336 ( 2009) 11- 0110- 03
M in e Goaf Survey T echnology B ased on EH4 E lectrom agn etic Im age System
ZHAO Guang- rong
(Ord os C ity Coal Bureau, Ord os 0 17000, Ch ina )
A bstrac t: In order to m ake a survey in the unknow n goaf of the m ine to e lmi inate the sa fety h idden dangers, the p ap er introduced the con-
stru ction m ethod, techno logy, inform ation processing and explana tion m e thod o f the EH 4 system applied to survey in the goa f b ased on the
pr inciple, m ethod and features o f the EH 4 electrom agne tic mi age system. T he survey practices in the m ine goa f show ed th at the EH 4 elec-
trom agnetic mi age system cou ld h ave a good reflection in the goaf. O bv iou s results w ere obta ined from the survey and could prov ide a re lia-
b le m ean s for the futu re survey in the goa f.
K ey w ord s: EH 4 goaf resistiv ity e lectrode layout m ode electrode spac ing
, 1~ 100 kH z,
, 20 80 ,
, [ 8 ]
, , ,
, E