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0626翻译:老人与海鸥(邓启耀)Translation: Old Man and Seagulls (Deng Qiyao)(translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)那是一个普通的冬日。It was an ordinary winter day.我和朋友相约来到翠湖时,海鸥正飞得热闹。When my friend and I met at the appointed time in Cui Lake, seagulls were busy flying around everywhere.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------在喂海鸥的人群中很容易认出那位老人。Amid the crowd feeding seagulls, it was easy to pick out the old man.他背已经驼了,Already hisbackwas hunched.穿一身褪色的过时布衣,背一个褪色的蓝布包,He was wearing color-faded,unfashionable clothes and carrying a faded-blue bag on his back.连装鸟食的大塑料袋也用得褪了色。Even the big plastic-bag holding bird-feed was fading in color from long usage.朋友告诉我,这位老人每天步行二十余里,从城郊赶到翠湖,只为了给海鸥送餐,跟海鸥相伴。My friend told me this old man walked twenty some odd miles every day from city suburb to Cui Lake in delivering meals for seagulls and keeping them company.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------人少的地方,是他喂海鸥的领地。A place with few people around was where the old man fed the seagulls.老人把饼干丁很小心地放在湖边的围栏上,退开一步,撮起嘴向鸥群呼唤。He put cracker bits carefully on railing along the edge of the lake, stepped back and whistled at the flock of seagulls.立刻便有一群海鸥应声而来,Immediately a horde of seagulls responded and flew over.几下就扫得干干净净。In seconds, all the tidbits were cleaned up.老人顺着栏杆边走边放,The old man walked along the rail and put more food down intermittently on his way.海鸥依他的节奏起起落落,排成一片翻飞的白色,飞成一篇有声有色的乐谱。`The seagulls followed the rhythm of his pace and went up and down in a fluttering configuration that looked like an effervescent music score. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------在海鸥的鸣叫声里,老人抑扬顿挫地唱着什么。Amid seagulls’ squawking, the old man was singing something with measured cadence.侧耳细听,原来是亲昵得变了调的地方话——“独脚”“灰头”“红嘴”“老沙”“公主”……In listening carefully, it turned out he was intimatelysaying names which pronunciations were distorted in a local dialect: “One-Legged”, “G


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