
磷脂爬行酶的基因结构、进化、分布和功能 - 中国细胞生物学学报.pdf

磷脂爬行酶的基因结构、进化、分布和功能 - 中国细胞生物学学报.pdf

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磷脂爬行酶的基因结构、进化、分布和功能 - 中国细胞生物学学报

中国细胞生物学学报 Chinese Journal of Cell Biology 2016, 38(9): 1152– 1162 DOI: 10.11844/cj cb.2016.09.0084 磷脂爬行酶的基因结构、进化、分布和功能 韩 玉 高丽丽 胡文静 邓洪宽 吴韦韦 庞秋香* ( 山东理工大学生命科学学院, 淄博255049) 摘要 磷脂爬行酶(phospholipid scramblase, PLSCR)基因家族是编码一组Ca2+依赖的多棕榈 酰化II型膜蛋白, 存在于所有的真核生物中。在高浓度的Ca2+环境中, 磷脂爬行酶会使膜磷脂(phos- pholipid, PL)发生无规则的翻转运动, 最终造成磷酯酰丝氨酸(phosphatidylserine, PS)外翻, 从而参 与调控细胞激活、损伤或者凋亡过程中膜磷脂的分布。PLSCR的功能除参与细胞的增殖与分化外, 还在体内多种过程中发挥作用, 如脂质代谢、线粒体结构功能维护、血液凝固和免疫应答等过程。 为更全面系统地了解PLSCR基因家族, 该文对近年来PLSCR基因的结构、进化、分布和功能的相 关研究进行了综述。 关键词 磷脂爬行酶; 基因结构; 进化; 功能 Gene Structure, Evolution, Distribution and Function of Phospholipid Scramblase Han Yu, Gao Lili, Hu Wenjing, Deng Hongkuan, Wu Weiwei, Pang Qiuxiang﹡ (School of Life Sciences, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China) Abstract Phospholipid scramblase (PLSCR) gene family encodes a kind of Ca2+-dependent multiple-palm- itoylated type II endofacial plasma membrane protein, which exists in all eukaryotes. PLSCR is activated in a high concentration of calcium ion, which involved in the collapse of phospholipid (PL) asymmetry at the plasma mem- brane leading to externalization of phosphatidylserine (PS). Under this activated state, PLSCR mainly regulates the transbilayer movement of the phospholipid in the process of cell activation, damage and apoptosis. More and more evidences revealed that PLSCR not only played an important role in cell proliferation and differentiaton, but also contributed to other physiological pathways, including lipid metabolism, blood coagulation cascade, structure and function maintenance of mitochondrial and immune response. For a more comprehensive understanding of PLSCR gene families, this paper reviewed the gene structure, evolution, distribution and


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