
atp酶超微细胞化学定位对紫茎泽兰高温适应性的研究 - 生物安全学报.doc

atp酶超微细胞化学定位对紫茎泽兰高温适应性的研究 - 生物安全学报.doc

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atp酶超微细胞化学定位对紫茎泽兰高温适应性的研究 - 生物安全学报

用超微细胞化学定位技术揭示ATP酶在紫茎泽兰高温适应性中的作用 贺俊英1,2,朱云枝1,宋小玲1,强胜1* 1南京农业大学杂草研究室 江苏 南京 210095; 2内蒙古师范大学生命科学与技术学院 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010022 摘要:外来入侵植物紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng.)自然演化出耐高温种群,其适应机制与各种生理代谢有关。本文从超微细胞化学水平,对紫茎泽兰抗、敏高温种群ATP酶活性定位,明确其在高温适应能力中的作用,试图阐明该草的生态适应机制。结果表明:正常状态下,紫茎泽兰ATP酶主要定位于细胞壁及细胞间隙周围的细胞壁表面;经40℃高温处理后,在不同的处理时间下,抗、敏种群之间ATP酶的活性反应表现出明显的差异,其中以处理12 h时差异最大,具体表现为抗性种群的酶活性反应远大于敏感种群,定位位点除细胞壁外,在细胞间隙、细胞膜也出现大量的分布,而敏感种群在处理12 h时的酶活性明显降低,只在细胞壁上有零星的分布。处理24 h时,敏感种群叶片已完全萎蔫,细胞结构毁坏;而抗性种群叶片仍然完好,在细胞膜上仍见有酶分布。这一结果表明,紫茎泽兰对高温的适应性与ATP酶活性密切相关。 关键词:紫茎泽兰;高温适应性;ATP酶;细胞化学定位;超微结构 中图分类号:Q944 Studies on adaptability to high temperature of Eupatorium Adenophorum by ATPase ultracytochemical localization Jun-ying HE1,2, Yun-zhi ZHU1, Xiao-ling SONG1, Sheng QIANG1 * 1Weed Research Laboratory, Nanjing Agriculture University. Nanjing, Jiangshu 210095, China 2 College of Life Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia 010022, China Abstract:Invasive alien Eupatorium adenophorum evolved into heat-tolerant populations after invaded in China. The adaptation of the populations to heat stress related to various physiological metabolism. Ultrastrutural cytochemical localization of ATPase activity of resistant and susceptible populations of Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng. was investigated to clear the role of ATPase and to reveal the mechanism of its adaptation to high temperature. The results showed that ATPase of Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng. naturally located at the cell wall and the surface of cell wall bordering the intercellular spaces. ATPase activity between resistant and susceptible populations at 40℃ high temperature had significant difference under different treatment time. The marked difference ?took place at 12 hours after treatment. ATPase activity of resistant population exhibited much more strongly than the susceptible populations. ATPase of resistant population was almost found on many localized sites including cell wall, intercellular spaces and plasma membr


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