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环磷酰胺引起的大鼠间质性膀胱炎及其行为学改变 - 第三军医大学学报
(重庆医科大学生命科学研究院,重庆 400016)
【摘要】目的:探讨大鼠间质性膀胱炎(Interstitial Cystitis, IC)模型膀胱上皮的组织病理学和超微病理结构的改变与特征。方法:36只SD大鼠,随机分为对照组和实验组,实验组根据处理时间不同又分为4 h组、48 h组、10 d组、30 d组和45 d组,实验组腹腔注射环磷酰胺(Cyclophosphamide, CYP)40 mg/kg。大鼠麻醉后取材,观察膀胱组织大体、光镜及电镜形态学表现。结果:与对照组比较,4 h组膀胱出现水肿,毛细血管扩张充血,可见局部出血点及粘膜脱落,散在炎症细胞,;48 h组水肿明显,炎症细胞浸润,粘膜上皮脱落显著;10 d组局部粘膜脱落,见水肿,出血灶;前三组电镜下可见脱颗粒状肥大细胞,伞状细胞破坏或缺失。30 d组和45 d组粘膜下和肌层出现纤维化,电镜下可见肌细胞内线粒体肿胀,髓样结构。结论:小剂量环磷酰胺构建大鼠间质性膀胱炎模型,其病理学改变符合间质性膀胱炎的病理生理变化,且方法简单可行。
Pathological study of low-dose cyclophosphamide induced interstitial cystitis in rats
Li Zhaofei, Xu Chen, Xing Fei, Yao Zhiyong, Wang Hong
(Institute of Life Sciences, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 40001,China)experimental group. The experimental group was randomly divided into 5 groups: 4 h model group, 48 h model group, 10 d model group, 30 d model group and 45 d model group. The rats in the experimental group were treated with intraperitoneal injection of cyclophosphamide 40 mg/kg. At the end of the experiment, the morphological changes of rat bladder tissue were observed by light microscope and transmission electron microscope. Results: The experimental groups showed significant change. After 4 h and 48 h, we observed edema and hyperemia of the mucosa, inflammatory cells infiltration and epithelial desuamation. Mast cells degranulation were observed by electron microscope in the acute stage, and the umbrella cells were damaged or lost. The interstitial fibrosis was remarkable after 30 d and 45 d. We observed mitochondria swelling and medullary structure in the smooth muscle layer by electron microscope. Conclusion: The application of low-dose cyclophosphamide to establish interstitial cystitis is in line with changes in the pathophysiology of interstitial cystitis, and the method is simple and feasible.
【Key words】: cyclophosphamide; interstitial cystitis; animal model
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
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