
重组人长效促卵泡激素fsh ̄ctp 的纯化工艺研究及 - 生物技术进展.pdf

重组人长效促卵泡激素fsh ̄ctp 的纯化工艺研究及 - 生物技术进展.pdf

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重组人长效促卵泡激素fsh ̄ctp 的纯化工艺研究及 - 生物技术进展

生物技术进展 2016年  第6卷  第3期  219~223 研究论文 Current Biotechnology  ISSN2095 ̄2341 Articles 重组人长效促卵泡激素FSH ̄CTP 的纯化工艺研究及鉴定 刘晓航ꎬ  高丽婷 北京双鹭药业股份有限公司ꎬ北京 100143 摘  要: 为了获得高纯度的重组人长效促卵泡激素FSH ̄CTPꎬ收集表达FSH ̄CTP 的CHO细胞培养上清ꎬ经过染料亲和 层析、DEAE 阴离子交换层析以及疏水层析三步层析制备ꎬ所得样品进行分子量、等电点测定和Western Blot 鉴定ꎬ雌性 大鼠卵巢增重法测定体内生物活性ꎮ 结果显示:经3步纯化所得样品纯度可达98%以上ꎬ表观分子量约为47 kDaꎬ MALDI ̄TOF ̄MS测得结果为35.2 kDaꎬ等电点4.0~2.8ꎬWestern Blot结果呈阳性ꎬ测活结果表明ꎬFSH ̄CTP 的活性比重组 人卵泡刺激素明显偏高ꎮ 纯化所得样品纯度良好ꎬ为该药物的进一步研究打下了基础ꎮ 关键词: 不孕不育症ꎻFSH ̄CTPꎻ分离纯化ꎻ雌性大鼠卵巢增重法 DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095 ̄2341.2016.03.12 Research and Appraisal on Purification Process of Recombinant Human Long ̄acting Follicle Stimulating Hormone  LIU Xiao ̄hangꎬGAO Li ̄ting Beijing SL Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.ꎬBeijing 100143ꎬChina Abstract:To obtain high purity recombinant human long ̄acting follicle stimulating hormone FSH ̄CTPꎬthe study collected the CHO cells culture supernatant contained FSH ̄CTPꎬthen it was puried by dye affinity chromatographyꎬDEAE anion exchange chromatography and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. We detected the puried samples by molecular weightꎬisoelectric pointꎬbiological activity in vitro (Western Blot) and biological activity in vivo (ovarian weight gain in female rats law). The results showed that:Thepurityof FSH ̄CTP proteincouldreach98% afterthreesteptpurificationꎬtheapparentmolecularweight was about47kDaꎬMALDI ̄TOF ̄MSresultwas35.2kDa.Theresultsofisoelectricpointwas4.0~2.8.AndweprovidedtheFSH ̄ CTP activity was higher than recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone significantly by Western Blot analysis. The purification and activity of FSH ̄CTP was high. The results could lay thefoundation for further study of the drug. Key words:infertilityꎻFSH ̄CTP


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