
有机无机肥料配合施用对设施条件下芹菜产量、品质及 - 中国蔬菜协会.pdf

有机无机肥料配合施用对设施条件下芹菜产量、品质及 - 中国蔬菜协会.pdf

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有机无机肥料配合施用对设施条件下芹菜产量、品质及 - 中国蔬菜协会

2011, 17 ( 3) : 657 - 664 P lant N utrition and F ertilizer Sc ience 1 1 1 2 * 2 高伟 , 朱静华 , 李明悦, 黄绍文 , 唐继伟 ( 1, 300 192; 2 , 10008 1) : , , , , 2 , , 22306 / hm , ( 3/4) N + ( 1/4) N , , 167% 261% ; V c 368% 1122% ( 60 80 80 100 cm ) ; , 0 100 cm , 575% 6 19% ; ( 3 /4) N + ( 1/4) N , ( 3 /4) N + ( 1/4) N : ; ; ; ; : S636. 3; S606+ . 2 : : 100 8- 505X ( 20 11) 03- 0657- 08 Effects of combined application of organic m anure and chem ical fertilizers on yield and quality of celery and soil nitrate leaching under greenhouse condition 1 1 1 2 * 2 G O W ei, ZHU J inghua , L IM ingyue , HU NG Shaow en , T NG Jiw e i (1 T ianj in Inst itute of Ag r icultural R esources and E nv ironm en,t T ianj in 300192, Ch ina 2 Inst itute of A g ricu ltural R esources and R eg ional P lann ing, Ch inese A cademy of A g ricultural Sc iences, B eij ing 100081, Ch ina ) Abstract: Th is study w as conducted to determ ine the effects of com b ined application of organ ic m anure and chem i ca l fertilizers on y ield and qua lity o f ce lery, and accumu lation and leaching o f so il nitrate under g reenhou se condi t ion. The resu lts show that com pared w ith the conventional fert ilization w ith much h igher rates of N, P O and



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