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20 10 2 20 2 C h inese Jou rnal of H ea lth Laboratory T echnology, Feb 20 10; V ol 20 N o 2 253 念珠菌感染的病原学及危险因素研究 1 2* 2 2 2 张谨华 , 冯文莉 , 王艳青 , 吴媛 , 杨静 ( 1, 0 30600; 2, 03000 1) [ ] : : 2006 4 1 2008 3 31 1170 ; , 1170 1220 , S SS130: ( 1) 1258, 895 ( 7 114% ) ( 1073% ) ( 1026% ) ( 342% ) ( 278% ) ( 167% ) ; ( 2) ; L og istic: : ; [ ] 住院患者; 念珠菌感染; 危险因素 [ ] R 3794 [] A [ ] 1004 - 86 85( 20 10) 02- 0253- 04 R isk factor analysis ofCand ida inf ections in hospital 1 2* 2 2 2 ZHAN G J inhua , FEN G W enli , WANG Yanq ing , W U Yuan , YAN G J ing ( 1Co llege o f B iology and T echno logy, J inzhong Co llege, Yuc i 030600, Ch ina; 2D epartment of D erm a tovenereo logy, the Second H ospita l of Shanx iM ed ica lU n ive rsity, T a iyuan 0 30001, Ch ina) [ Abstract] Objective: T o investig ate the etio log ical fea tures and re levant r isk fac to rs of Cand ida inf ections in hospita lM ethods: 1170 pa tients w ith Candida inf ections adm itted in the Second H o spita l o f Shanx iM edical U niversity during A pr il 2006 to M arch 2008 w ere enro lled in this investigation, a prospec tive case- contro l study dur ing 1170 cases o f Cand ida inf ec tions and 1220 cases o f non- Candida inf ectionsT he inc idence and risk factors o f Cand ida inf ections w ere analyzed by m ethod of S SS130 modelResults: ( 1) 1258 cases w ere iso lated from d ifferent sam ples, and Candida albicans 895 ( 7114% ) w as the largest, fo llow ed by Candida g labra ta


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