
基于多孔硅的表面等离子共振传感特性 - 发光学报.pdf

基于多孔硅的表面等离子共振传感特性 - 发光学报.pdf

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基于多孔硅的表面等离子共振传感特性 - 发光学报

第37卷  第9期 发  光  学  报 Vol37 No9 2016年9月 CHINESEJOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE Sept. ꎬ2016 文章编号:1000 ̄7032(2016)09 ̄1152 ̄07 基于多孔硅的表面等离子共振传感特性 ∗ 王志斌 ꎬ韩欢欢ꎬ柴君夫ꎬ任  英 (燕山大学 电气工程学院ꎬ河北 秦皇岛  066004) 摘要:提出了一种基于多孔硅的表面等离子共振传感模型:棱镜 ̄金属膜 ̄多孔硅薄膜 ̄待测介质ꎮ 在该结构 中ꎬ多孔硅的折射率会随着样品浓度的变化而变化ꎮ 利用有限元分析方法ꎬ数值模拟得到该结构的共振光 谱ꎬ对模型进行了分析和参数优化ꎮ 以乙二醇溶液为待测样本ꎬ对提出的传感结构的传感性能进行分析ꎬ得 到该传感器对乙二醇的传感灵敏度约为267.85(°)/ RIUꎬ约为Kretschmann棱镜结构灵敏度的2.13倍ꎮ 关  键  词:表面等离子共振ꎻ光学传感ꎻ共振光谱ꎻ灵敏度 中图分类号:O433.4      文献标识码:A      DOI:10.3788/ fgx1152 Prism Surface Plasmons Resonance Sensor Based on The Porous Silicon ∗ WANGZhi ̄bin ꎬHAN Huan ̄huanꎬCHAI Jun ̄fuꎬREN Ying (School of Electrial EngineeringꎬYanshan UniversityꎬQinhuangdao066004ꎬChina) ∗Corresponding AuthorꎬE ̄ Abstract:A prism surface plasmon resonance incentive model based on the porous silicon is pro ̄ posed:prism base ̄metal ̄porous silicon layer ̄environmental media. The refractive index of the por ̄ ous silicon will changewiththesampleabsorbedontheporoussiliconwhichcausestheoffsetof sur ̄ face plasmon resonance spectrum. Metal film and porous silicon layer compose the resonance film. According to the thin film optics and waveguideꎬthe effect of resonance film on surface plasmons resonance spectrum isanalyzed. Withthemethodoffiniteelement analysisꎬtheresonance spectrum of thedesignedstructureisobtainedbynumericalsimulation. Throughthecomparisontotheresultsꎬ analysis and parameter optimization of the designed model are conducted. The results of analysis state the sensing performance of incentive model based on porous silicon


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