
聚丙烯酰胺梯度凝胶电泳和均一凝胶电泳在分离及鉴定植物sod同工 .pdf

聚丙烯酰胺梯度凝胶电泳和均一凝胶电泳在分离及鉴定植物sod同工 .pdf

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31 4 () Vol. 31 No. 4 2008 12 JOURNAL OF NANJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY ( Natural Science Edition) Dec, 2008 聚丙烯酰胺梯度凝胶电泳和均一凝胶电泳在分离 及鉴定植物 SOD 同工酶中的比较研究 1 2 2 1 1 1 程光宇, 王 峰, 陶明煊 , 陆长梅, 吴国荣, 常福辰 ( 1. , 21009 ) ( 2. , 21009 ) [ ] ( GPGE ) ( PAGE ) SOD . GPGERf SOD 3: A Rf , SDS, M nSOD; C Rf , SDS, CuZnSOD; BRf , SDS, FeSOD. GPGE Rf SDS SOD, SOD , PAGE. SOD, GPGE SOD 10- 15m ol, 13m o;l 156 10- 12m ol SOD , GPGE 4, PAGE 2. FeSOD 5% Rf , 10% CuZnSOD , FeSODMnSOD M nSOD CuZnSOD 10% PAGE, GPGE, Rf SOD. 2 GPGE SOD , PAGE 3 SOD. [ ] , , SOD, , [ ] Q503 [ ] A [ ] 2008) 04009 0 Com parison of Gradien t P olyacrylam ide and Polyacrylam ide G el E lectrophoresis in the Isolation and Iden tification of P lan t SOD Isozym e 1 2 2 1 1 1 Cheng Guangyu , W ang Feng, TaoM inxuan , Lu Changmei, Wu Gongrong , Chang Fuchen ( 1. School ofL ife Science, Nanjing Norm alU niversity, Nanjing 21009 , China) ( 2. Jinling College, N anjing Norm alUniversity, Nanjing 21009 , China) A bstrac t: Th is paper compared the app lication of grad ient polyacrylam ide gel electrophresis( GPGE) and polyacrylam ide gel electrophoresis( PAGE) in isolation and identification of plant SOD isozym e. The resu lts show ed that SOD bands on GPGE w ere divided into three region of A, B, C accord ing to itsRf . TheRf ofA region SOD band was m inmi um, it w as sensitive to 1% SDS and w asM nSOD. The Rf of C


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