
薄层色谱法检测苏丹红 - 河北工业科技 - 河北科技大学.pdf

薄层色谱法检测苏丹红 - 河北工业科技 - 河北科技大学.pdf

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薄层色谱法检测苏丹红 - 河北工业科技 - 河北科技大学

26 2 河 北 工 业 科 技 Vol.26, No.2 2009 3 Hebei Journal of Industrial Scienceand Technology ar.2009 :2009 1 2 2 , , ( 1. 河北科技大学化学与制药工程学院, 河北石家庄 050018; 2. 石家庄大为生物技术有限公司, 河北石家庄 050091) :探讨用薄层色 法检测食品中苏丹红色素的可行性, 并对高效硅胶 G 板及聚酰胺薄层板 分离苏丹红色素的结果进行比较, 发现高效硅胶 G 板较聚酰胺薄层板分离苏丹红色素更具有优 势,其检测灵敏度高:0.3 mg/ kg;分析速度快: 用聚酰胺薄层板分析一般需要40 min, 而高效硅胶 G 板只需5~ 10 min; 分离清晰:4 种苏丹红色素与辣椒色素等干扰色素能够完全分离该方法适 用于基层机构在现场快速检测食品中非法添加的苏丹红色素 :苏丹红;薄层色 法; 食品快速检测方法 :R155. 5 :A Fast detection of Sudan Red by thin layer chromatography 1 2 2 DOU Hong ,ZHANG Xiaoxin ,GAO Chunping ( 1. College of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang Hebei 050018, China; 2. David Biotechnology Company Limited, Shijiazhuang Hebei 050091,China) Abstract: This paper investigated the feasibility of detecting Sudan Red in foods with thin layer chromatography, and com pared the result of Sudan Red separation with higheffect silica gel G plates ( HPSGG) and the result of it with polyamide plates. It is found that HPSGG has more advantages over polyamide plates in separating Sudan Red. HPSGG gives high detec tion sensitivity, up to 0. 3 mg/ kg, fast analysis and clear separation. Polyamideplates needs 40 minutes whilehigheffect silica gel G plates needs only 5~ 10 minutes. T he Sudan pigments and other interference pigments such as pepper pigments,can be completely separated. The method can beapplied to rapidly detect Sudan Red illegally added in foods such as chilli products and hamburgers. Key words: Sudan Red; thin layer chromatography; fast detection technique of food , , ,, DNA , ,


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