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25 1 () Vol. 25 No. 1 2011 1 JOURNAL OF UN IVERSITY OF JINAN ( Sc.i and Tech) Jan. 2011 : 1 71- 3559( 2011) 01- 0047- 05 取代基对卟啉分子自组装聚集体纳米结构的调节 游 遨, 陈丽娜, 陈艳丽, 李达攀 ( , 250022) : 运用简单的 one- step法自组装技术, 将M eso位具有不同取代基团的卟啉分子M eso- 5, 10, 15, 20- 四(对甲 氧基苯基)卟啉( ), M eso- 5, 10, 15, 20- 四苯基卟啉( )和M eso- 5, 10, 15, 20- 四(对 苯基) 卟啉( )组装成有机 纳米聚集体利用多种表征手段系统研究化合物( ), ( ) 和 ( ) 在水溶液中的自组装性质结果表明, 在自组装过程 中, 3种卟啉分子均形成 J型聚集体, 从化合物( ), ( )到( ), 随着卟啉M eso位取代基供电子能力依次下降, 分子间相互 作用程度减弱, 其纳米聚集体形貌由二维四方片状逐渐变成 一维纳米带这表明通过调节卟啉M eso位取代基的供/吸电子 能力, 可以调节分子间非共价键相互作用程度, 从而控制卟啉分子自组装纳米结构的形貌 : 卟啉; 自组装; 纳米结构; 供 /吸电子取代基 : O 41. 3 : A Tun ing the M orphology of Self-A ssem b led N anostructu res of Porphyrin M olecu les by Varied M eso-Sub stituents YOU Ao, C HEN L-i na, C HEN Ya n- li, L I Da- pan ( School of Chem istry and Chem icalEngineering, University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China) A bstrac t: M etal free tetrakis( 4-m ethoxylphenyl) porphyrin ( ), tetra( phenyl) porphyrin ( ) and tetrak is( 4-ch lorophenyl) por- phyrin ( ) w ere assemb led into organ ic nanostructures by one-step m ethod. Their self-assemb ly properties, especially the effect of m eso-substituentsw ith varied electron-donating/w ithdraw ing properties on tuning and controlling themorphology of self-assem bled nano- structu res of these porphyrin derivatives, have been com paratively stud ied by electron ic absorption, transm ission electronic m icroscopy ( TEM ), and X-ray d iffraction( XRD) techn iques. J-type aggregates have been form edw ith the increasing degree of interm olecular inter- action ( ) ( )


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