
干扰素诱导的跨膜蛋白研究初探 - 传染病信息.pdf

干扰素诱导的跨膜蛋白研究初探 - 传染病信息.pdf

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干扰素诱导的跨膜蛋白研究初探 - 传染病信息

·56· 传染病信息  2017年2月28日  第30卷  第1期  Infect Dis Info, Vol. 30, No. 1, February 28, 2017 干扰素诱导的跨膜蛋白研究初探 李东富,覃 岭,张永宏     [摘要] 生物机体存在多种方式减缓甚至阻止病毒复制。其机制主要通过抗病毒蛋白来介导,可因干扰素诱导而扩 大。在这些干扰素刺激蛋白中,干扰素诱导的跨膜(interferon-induced transmembrane, IFITM )蛋白家族独树一帜,其通过 阻止病毒透过细胞脂质双分子层而防止病毒感染。目前已知,至少有 3 种 IFITM 具有抗病毒活性:IFITM1 、IFITM2 以及 IFITM3 。这些跨膜蛋白已被证实在体外细胞培养中能阻止多种 RNA 病毒感染,包括登革热病毒、埃博拉病毒、甲型流感病 毒、SARS 冠状病毒和西尼罗病毒等。人 ifitm3 基因多态性与季节性流感 / 高致病性禽流感病情严重程度相关,但介导其抗 病毒作用的具体分子机制仍不完全清楚。本文主要讨论 ifitm 基因、IFITM 蛋白及其抗病毒作用和可能的作用机制,从而在 研究病毒感染和肿瘤治疗中另辟蹊径,寻找最佳治疗方案。     [关键词] ifitm 基因; IFITM 蛋白;作用;机制     [中国图书资料分类号] R96    [文献标志码] A    [文章编号] 1007-8134(2017)01-0056-05       DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007-8134.2017.01.017 Research on the interferon-induced transmembrane protein LI Dong-fu, QIN Ling, ZHANG Yong-hong* Biomedical Information Center of Beijing YouAn Hospital, Capital Medical University, 100069, China *Corresponding author,   [Abstract] The living organisms have a variety of ways to slow down or even stop the virus replication. These mechanisms are mainly through mediating antiviral protein, and expanded by interferon inducement. Among these interferon-stimulated proteins, interferon-induced transmembrane (IFITM) family is unique, which prevents virus infection by blocking the virus permeating cell lipid bilayer. Now it is known that, at least 3 IFITMs have antiviral activities: IFITM1, IFITM2, and IFITM3. These transmembrane proteins in vitro cell culture can prevent many RNA virus infections, including dengue virus, Ebola virus, influenza virus, SARS coronavirus, West Nile virus and so on. IFITM3 gene polymorphism is associated with human seasonal influenza / HPAI disease, but the mechanism is still not fully understood. Here we discuss the antiviral functions of ifitm ge



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