
凹凸棒与酸化凹凸棒对pb( )和zn( ) 的选择吸附性差异 - 材料工程.pdf

凹凸棒与酸化凹凸棒对pb( )和zn( ) 的选择吸附性差异 - 材料工程.pdf

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凹凸棒与酸化凹凸棒对pb( )和zn( ) 的选择吸附性差异 - 材料工程

154 / 2008 10 Pb( ) Zn( ) T he Difference of Selective Adsorption Between Palygorskite and Acid-activat ed Palygorskite for Pb( ) and Zn( ) , ( , 17000) CHEN Hao, ZH AO Jie ( School of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Engineering, T aizhou University, Linhai 17000, Zhejiang, China) : , Pb( ) Zn( ) , Pb2+ Zn2+ , Zn2+ , Pb2+ , Zn2+ , 40 : ; ; ; ; : X1 12 : A : 1001-4 81( 2008) 10-0154-04 Abstract: A batch experiment w as conducted to study the adsorption of Pb( ) and Zn( ) by natural and acid-activated palygorskites in single component and binary systems. T he results show ed that se- lective adsorption of natural and acid-activated palygorskites are both prior to Pb2+ than Zn2+ , but a 2+ higher selective adsorption for Zn w as obtained by acid-activated palygorskite compared w ith that of palygorskite. Selective adsorption of palygorskite for Pb2+ and Zn2+ become stronger and w eaker w ith the increase of temperature, respectively. For acid-activated palygorskite, the selective adsorption for 2+ 2+ Pb and Zn become strongest and w eakest in 40 , respectively. T he dissimilarity in dominant ad- sorption mechanisms w as a main reason resulted in the difference of selective adsorption of the tw o ad- sorbents. Key words: heavy metal; palygorskite; acid activation; isothermal adsorption; selective adsorption [ 6, 7] , , [ 1- ] ,


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