
刺参凝集素的分离纯化及其性质 - 水产学报.pdf

刺参凝集素的分离纯化及其性质 - 水产学报.pdf

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刺参凝集素的分离纯化及其性质 - 水产学报

29 5 Vol. 29, No. 5 2005 10 JOURNAL OF FISHERIES OF CHINA O t. , 2005 : 1000- 0615( 2005) 05- 0654- 05 李丹彤, 宋 亮, 钟 莉, 常亚青 ( , 116023) : , , ( Ap otichop us j ap onicus ) , 20% ~ 75% , Sephadex G- 200 , ( AJL) Sephadex G-200 85 652 DaAJL 20. 9% ABABO , A , A BABO , D-D-- , , 1. 55 mgmL- 1 Ca2+ Mg2+ EDTA pH 4. 0~ 10. 14 , pH 4. 4~ 7. 5 90 30 min , : ; ; ; : S986. 2 : A Isolation, purification and properties of lectin from Ap otichop usj ap onicus LI Dan-tong, SONG Liang, ZHONG Li , CHANG Ya-qing (Key Labor atory of Mariculture and B iotechnology Certfi icated by Ministry of Agriculture, Dalian Fisheries University , Dalian 116023, China Abstract: Le tin was purified from Ap otichop us j ap onicus Selenka by extra tion with PBS, followed by 20% - 75% ammonium sulfate fra tionation and mole ular sieve hromatography on the Sephadex G-200 . The Le tin had a mole ular weight of 85 652 Da on Sephadex G-200 and ontained sa haried of 20. 9% . The le tin was nonspe ifi in agglutination for any type of human erythro ytes, and the hemagglutinating a tivity for human( A) was the highest, the agglutination for hi ken was the highest, among erythro ytes of humans( A, B, AB, O) , rabbits, mouse and ommon arp. The hemagglutinating a tivity for rabbit ould not be inhibited by D-gala tose, glu ose, su rose, mannan, gamma-globulin ( human ) , but inhibited by bovine-thyroglobulin. The minimum inhibitory on entration was 1. 55 mgmL- 1 . The hemagglutinating a tivity was not inhibited by treatment with EDTA and Ca2+ Mg2+ . This le tin had the maximum hemagglutinating a tivity at pH 4. 4- 7. 5, with a tivity at pH 4. 0- 10. 14. The le tin still showe


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