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水和废水中阴离子表面活性剂测定干扰因素试验研究 - 环境监测管理与
23 2 20 11 4
(泰州市环境监测中心站, 江苏 泰州 225300)
, ; ( ) ;
: ; ; ;
: O 657. 32 : B : ( 20 11) 02- 004 1- 04
Exp erim en tal Study on In terferen tial F actors of An ion ic Surfactan ts
D eterm ination in W ater and W astewater
YANG W enwu
(Ta izhou Env ironm entalM on itoring C enter, Ta izhou, J iang su 225300, Ch ina)
Abs tract: Experm ent w as perfo rm ed to study n terferent al factors of an on c surfactants determ nat on n
w ater and w astew ater by phenanthrol ne extract on spectrophotom etr c m ethod. The nterference facto rs w ere d s
cu ssed n d fferent cond t ons o f the test resu lts, the nfluence deg ree and rem oval m easurem ent from des gn op
t ons nclud ng low er tem perature, turb d ty w th co lo r and mm sc b le emu ls f cat on. It m ade suggest on for the
nterferent al facto rs rem oval such as to keep su table env ronm enta l tem perature n the determ nat on to ensure
co lor react on com p le tely, to elm nate nterference by co lorm etr c ( turb d ty) correct on, and to break the em u l
s f cat on by dry ng organ c phase w th decahedrons sod um su lfa te pow der.
K ey w ord s: A n on c surfactants; Phenan thro l ne extract on spectrophotom etr c m ethod; Interferent al fac
to rs; W ater and w astew ater
(A n on c surfactant) [ 1- 2] ,
4 ,
[ 6]
( L near al ,
kylbenzene su lphonate, LA S) [ 3] , ,
( Dodecy l benzene su lphonate, , 3, ,
[ 4] [ 5]