
唾液溶菌酶含量与大学生龋病关系研究 - 中国实用医学杂志社.pdf

唾液溶菌酶含量与大学生龋病关系研究 - 中国实用医学杂志社.pdf

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唾液溶菌酶含量与大学生龋病关系研究 - 中国实用医学杂志社

618 ChineseJournalofPracticalStomatology Oct.2013Vol.6No.10 论 著 唾液溶菌酶含量与大学生龋病关系研究 高 景,张 凌 文章编号:1674-1595(2013)10-0618-03 中图分类号:R78 文献标志码:A 摘要:目的 探讨唾液溶菌酶含量与大学生患龋的关系,为大学生龋病预防提供依据。方法 于2012 年4 月在中 国医科大学在校大学生中随机选取65 名(男32 名,女33 名),按龋失补牙数(DMFT)将研究对象分为无龋组 (DMFT = 0 )22 名、低龋组(DMFT = 1 ~ 4 )20 名、高龋组(DMFT ≥5 )23 名。用吐唾法收集受试者非刺激性全唾液 3 mL 作为样本,采用人溶菌酶ELISA 试剂盒测定唾液溶菌酶含量,比较3 组大学生唾液溶菌酶含量的差异。结 果 高龋组非刺激性全唾液采集成功率(65.2%)虽然低于无龋组(90.9%),但差异无统计学意义(P 0.05 );非刺 激性全唾液中溶菌酶含量无龋组[(10.15 ± 2.60 )μg/mL ]显著高于高龋组[(8.52 ± 2.03 )μg/mL ],差异有统计学意 义(P 0.05 );3 组大学生不同性别间唾液溶菌酶含量差异均无统计学意义(P 0.05 )。结论 唾液溶菌酶含量与 大学生龋病有关。 关键词:龋病;唾液;溶菌酶 Relationshipbetween concentrationoflysozymeinsalivaanddentalcaries incollegestudents. GAOJing, ZHANGLing.DepartmentofEndodontics,ShoolofStomatology,ChinaMedicalUniversity,LiaoningInstituteofDental Research.Shenyang 110002,China Abstract:Objective To explore the relationship between concentration of lysozyme in saliva and dental caries in col⁃ lege students in order to provide basis for its prevention. Methods Totally 65 healthy subjects from China Medical Uni⁃ versity (33 female and 32 male )were randomly selected and participated in this study. Twenty-three high caries college students (DMFT ≥5 ),twenty low caries college students (DMFT = 1-4 )and twenty-two no caries college students (DMFT = 0 )were sampled. Salivary lysozyme was measured by ELISA Kit for the quantitative analysis of human lyso⁃ zyme. Results The rate of success for collecting unstimulated whole saliva in high caries group (65.2% )was lower than that in no caries group (90.9% ),but there was no statistical difference (P 0.05 );The concentration of lysozyme in no caries group [(10.15 ± 2.60 )μg/mL ]was higher than that in high caries group [(8.52 ± 2.03 )μg/mL ](P 0.05 ). How⁃ ever ,no significant gender difference was found in no carie


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