
高分子量ビアルロン酸の关节润滑机构 に及ぼす效果 effects - j-stage.pdf

高分子量ビアルロン酸の关节润滑机构 に及ぼす效果 effects - j-stage.pdf

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高分子量ビアルロン酸の关节润滑机构 に及ぼす效果 effects - j-stage

日関 外 誌,)XII,(3),259~266,1993. 259 (特急掲載) 高分子量 ビアルロン酸の関節潤滑機構 に及ぼす効果 京都大学生体医療工学研究センター 運動器系人工臓器学領域 岡 正典,中 村 孝 志 京都大学 整形外科 木次 敏 明 Effects of High Molecular Weight Hyaluronate on the Lubrication Mechanism of the Joint Masanori OKA et al. Research Center for BiomedicalEngineering,Kyoto University Abstract It has been reported that intraarticular injection of Hyaluronate (HA), especially that of high molecular weight (MW), provides symptomatic relief and improves joint function in arthritic joints. However, neither the mode of action nor mechanism of the therapeutic effect is fully understood. We subsequently tried to clarify the effect of HA injection from the aspect of joint lubrication. First, using an apparatus with which it was possible to measure the thickness and the pressure of the fluid film formed between articular cartilage and a glass plate under a loading condition, we investigated the results with high MWHA in saline in comparison with those of low MWHA in saline. A thicker fluid film with higher pressure was maintained by introducing high MWHA. This suggests that better fluid film lubrication becomes possible by injection of high MWHA in saline into a joint, thus preventing the involved surfaces from direct contact and protecting them Second, we measured the coefficient of friction (CF) between


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