
research advance in structure and function of - 临床与病理杂志.pdf

research advance in structure and function of - 临床与病理杂志.pdf

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research advance in structure and function of - 临床与病理杂志

国际病理科学与临床杂志 2013, 33(5) 424 Int J Path ol Clin Me d DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-2588.2013.05.013 /gjblkx/fileup/PDF/201305424.pdf 肠道杯状细胞结构和功能的研究进展 胡艳艳 综述 刘小伟 审校 (中南大学湘雅二医院消化内科, 长沙 410011) [摘 要] 据估计成人肠道内约有10 13~10 14个共生菌,其数量远远超过人体细胞数。正常情况下人体通过一 - 系列抵抗机制包括适应性免疫、固有免疫,与共生菌达到宿主 共生菌之间的动态平衡。由肠道杯 状细胞分泌的黏蛋白是肠道固有免疫第一防线黏液层的主要组成部分。黏蛋白类对维持肠黏膜动 - 态平衡、调控微生物 宿主免疫反应起着重要作用。 [关键词] 杯状细胞;黏蛋白;黏液屏障 Research advance in structure and function of intestinal goblet cell HU Yanyan, LIU Xiaowei (Department of Gastroenterology, Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410011, China) Abstract The number of commensal bacteria in the adult intestine are in range of 1013 14 –10 , which well exceed the number of cells in human body. Normally, the body keeps homeostasis between host and commensal bacteria through multiple mechanisms including the adaptive immunity and innate immunity. The intestinal epithelium is covered by specialized mucins, produced by goblet cells, which constitute the front line of defense. Mucins play an important role in maintaining the dynamic balance of intestinal mucosa and in regulation of host-microbe immune response. Key words goblet cells; mucin; mucus barrier 黏蛋白广泛分布于消化道、呼吸道、泌尿生



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