
固体发酵提高水生植物发酵产物蛋白含量的研究 - 环境科学学报.pdf

固体发酵提高水生植物发酵产物蛋白含量的研究 - 环境科学学报.pdf

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固体发酵提高水生植物发酵产物蛋白含量的研究 - 环境科学学报

27 1 Vol. 27, No. 1 2007 1 Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae Jan. , 2007 , , , . 2007. [ J]. , 27( 1) : 5- 9 Yang L Y, Zhang Y, X iao L, et al. 2007. Improvem ent of crude protein content in aquatic m acrophyte by solid-state ferm entation[ J]. Acta Scientiae C ircum stantiae, 27 ( 1) : 5- 9 1, 2, * 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 杨柳燕 , 张奕 , 肖琳 , 顾宇飞 , 蒋丽娟, 秦伯强 , 罗敛葱, 史小丽 1. 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 南京大学环境学院, 南京 21009 2. 中国科学研究院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008 : 2006-07-09 : 2006-11-21 : (Elodea nuttalli)(Vallinmeria sp iralis)(A lterrantheraphiloxerides) , . , , , , (A spergillus niger)( Candida utilis) , 9. 88% , 84. 2% , . , . : ; ; ; ; : 025 -2468( 2007) 01-00 5-05 : X172 : A Improvem ent of crude protein content in aquatic m acrophyte by solid-state ferm entation 1, 2, * 1 1 1 1 2 2 YANG L iuyan , ZHANG Y i, XIAO L in , GU Yufei, JIANG L ijuan , Q in Boq iang, Luo L iancong , 2 ShiX iaoli 1. State K ey Laboratory of Pollution Contro l and Resource Reuse, School of the Env ironm ent, N anjing University, Nanjing 21009 2. Nanjing Institute of Geography and L mi nology, Chinese A cadem y of Sciences, Nanjing 210008 R eceived 9 July 2006; accepted 21 Novem ber 2006 A bstract: Three species of m acrophyte ( Elodea nuttalli, Vallinmeria spiralis, A lterranthera philoxerides), w hich are w idely distributed in water env ironm ents, w ere u sed to perform solid-state ferm entation to produce crude proteins. The effects of single-strain ferm entation and m ixed-strains ferm entation of aquatic m acrophyte on yields of their crude proteins and cellulase activ ities w ere analyzed. The results show ed that th


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