
配网故障指示器最优配置研究 - 电力系统保护与控制.pdf

配网故障指示器最优配置研究 - 电力系统保护与控制.pdf

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配网故障指示器最优配置研究 - 电力系统保护与控制

第42 卷 第 3 期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.42 No.3 2014 年2 月 1 日 Power System Protection and Control Feb.1, 2014 配网故障指示器最优配置研究 陈煦斌,秦立军 (华北电力大学现代电力研究所,北京 102206 ) 摘要:为了实现故障指示器的经济性配置,提出一个关于故障指示器最优配置的目标函数。从经济性的角度出发,研究最佳 的故障指示器安装位置和安装数目,期望在缩短故障定位时间的基础上,最大程度地降低设备安装和运行成本,达到经济上 的最优化。应用免疫算法对该目标函数进行求解,并对一个小型网络进行故障指示器配置分析,进行算法仿真。仿真结果表 明,从经济性的角度分析故障指示器的配置问题是可行的,故障指示器应该安装在合适的地方才能实现最大效益的利用。 关键词:故障指示器;最优数目;免疫算法;最优位置;配电网 Optimal configuration of fault indicator in distribution network CHEN Xu-bin, QIN Li-jun (Academy of Modern Electric Power Research, North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China) Abstract: To realize the economic configuration of fault indicator, this paper proposes an objective function on its optimal configuration. Its number and installation location both affect the fault interruption time. On the basis of shortening fault location time, the cost of equipment installation and opeation will be lowered at utmost. This paper takes use of the immune algorithm to solve the objective function and analyzes the fault indicator configuration of a small-scale network and makes algorithm simulation. Simulation results show that it is feasible for analyzing fault indicator configuration from the aspect of economy, and fault indicator should be installed at the suitable locations so as to achieve the maximal benefit. Key words: fault indicator; optimal configuration; immune algorithm; optimal location; distribution network 中图分类号: TM7 1 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1674-3415(2014)03-0100-05


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