
紫外光谱法测定白芍药材中白芍总苷的含量 - 国际中医中药杂志.pdf

紫外光谱法测定白芍药材中白芍总苷的含量 - 国际中医中药杂志.pdf

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紫外光谱法测定白芍药材中白芍总苷的含量 - 国际中医中药杂志

²532 ² 国际中医中药杂志2015年6月第37卷第6期 Int J Trad Chin Med, June 2015, Vol. 37, No.6 ²论著² 紫外光谱法测定白芍药材中 白芍总苷的含量 刘芬 侯聪聪 【摘要】 目的 建立紫外分光光度法测定白芍饮片中白芍总苷的含量。方法 采用 80%乙醇提取 白芍饮片,提取液除去乙醇后,经乙醚萃取除去杂质,用正丁醇萃取制备供试品溶液。以芍药苷为对照 品,在最大吸收波长230 nm 处进行含量测定。结果 芍药苷在0.040 2~0.201 1 mg/ml 范围内线性关系 良好。平均回收率为101.81%,精密度、稳定性、重复性、加样回收率试验中RSD 值均小于2% 。白芍中 总苷含量约为40 mg/g 。结论 本方法简便、灵敏度高、准确性好,适用于白芍饮片中总苷的含量测定。 【关键词】 白芍;紫外分光光度法;白芍总苷;含量测定 Determination of total glucoside in Paeonia lactifloria Pall. by UV spectrophotometry * * Liu Fen , Hou Congcong. Department of Pharmacology, Handan Central Hospital, Handan 056001, China Corresponding author:Liu Fen, Email: 【Abstract 】 Objective A method was proposed for the determination of the concent of total glucoside of peaony(TGP) from Paeonia lactifloria Pall. by UV spectrophotometry. Methods Based on the extract with 80% acidities alcohol, extracted by aether and n-butyl alcohol, TGP was obtained from Paeonia lactifloria Pall.. The determination was established with paeoniflorin which was the main component of TGP as a contrast by UV spectrophotometry at 230 nm. Results A good liner relationship between concentration of paeoniflorin and its absorbance was obtained,and the liner range was between 0.040 2~0.201 1 mg/ml. The average recovery was 101.81%. Conclusion This method is simple rapid and reliable. It could be used for the semi-quantitative determination of TGP of paeony in paeonialactifloria pall.. 【Key words 】 Paeonia lactifloria pall.; UV spectrophotometry; Total glucosides of paeony; Quantitative determination 白芍为毛茛科芍药属植物芍药 Paeonia 白芍的定量检测通常采用高效液相色谱法、薄层 lactifloria Pall. 的干燥根,主产于浙江、四川等省, 扫描法和高效毛细管电泳法、近红外光谱法等方 [8-11]


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