
不同功率超声波处理对大豆分离蛋白膜性能和结构 - 吉林农业大学学报.pdf

不同功率超声波处理对大豆分离蛋白膜性能和结构 - 吉林农业大学学报.pdf

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不同功率超声波处理对大豆分离蛋白膜性能和结构 - 吉林农业大学学报

吉林农业大学学报 010, 3 ( 6) : 693~ 696 http :/ / xuebao.j lau. edu. cn Journal of JilinAgricultural University mail:j lndxb@vip . sina. com 孙 , 孙春玉, 陈 光 , 张广智 吉林农业大学生命科学学院, 长春130118 : 对大豆分离蛋白( Soybean isolated protein, SPI) 溶液进行超声处理, 研究了SPI 经不同功率超声处理 所成膜的机械性能阻隔性能和微观结构的变化结果表明: 大豆分离蛋白膜经1 000 W 超声处理10 s , 所 成膜结构更加细致均匀, 机械强度阻隔性能均得到提高 : 大豆分离蛋白膜; 超声波; 功能特性; 微观结构 : Q814 : A : 010) Study on Effects of Properties and Structure of Soy Protein Isolate Films by Ultrasonic Power SUN Ya ng, SUN Chunyu, CHEN Gua ng, ZHA NG Gua ngzhi College of Lfie Science, JilinAgricultural University, Changchun 130118, China Abstract: Tensile strength, oil vapor permeability properties and microstructure were studied on the film of soybean isolated protein treatedwith different ultrasonic power. The results showed that tensile strength and oil vapor permeability properties were improved and microstructure became well mixed after being treated by ultrasonic with the power of 1 000 W for 10 s. Key words: soybean isolated protein film; ultrasonic; functional property; microstructure [ 1] [ 38] , , , , , , , [910] PE , 500, 60, 540, 670 [ ] , ,



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