
镍钼矿处理工艺研究现状 - 长沙矿冶研究院.pdf

镍钼矿处理工艺研究现状 - 长沙矿冶研究院.pdf

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镍钼矿处理工艺研究现状 - 长沙矿冶研究院

第 41 卷 第 3 期 金 属 材 料 与 冶 金 工 程 Vol.41 No.3 2013 年 6 月 METAL MATERIAL S AND METALLURGY ENGINEERING Jun 2013 镍钼矿处理工艺研究现状 胡慧英,赵庆雷,张志华,张志雄 (长沙矿 冶研究院有限责任公司 , 湖南 长沙 410012 ) 摘 要: 随着高品位镍、 钼资源的开发日益匮乏, 高效低成本开发利用镍钼矿具有重要的意义。 根据镍 钼矿的资源状况及特点, 介绍了不同的处理工艺, 归纳起来大致有选矿工艺、 火法冶金工艺和湿法冶金工 艺等, 对当前的各种工艺进行综述及展望, 认为全湿法流程较有优势, 以及提出现有镍钼矿处理工艺中存 在的一些问题, 并展望了镍钼矿处理工艺的发展趋势。 关键词: 镍钼矿; 选矿工艺; 火法冶金; 湿法冶金 中图分类号: TF815 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-5014 (2013 ) 03-0042-05 The Research Current Situation of the Treatment Process for Ni-Mo Ores - , - , - , - HU Hui ying ZHAO Qing lei ZHANG Zhi hua ZHANG Zhi xiong (Changsha Research Institute of Mineral and Metallurgy Co. , Ltd. , Changsha 410012 , China) ABSTRACT : With the Ni and Mo high grade ore resources are scarce increasingly in the world , it is significant to develop and utilize the Ni-Mo ore in a high efficiency and low costing way to the Ni and Mo industry. According to the resource situation and distinguishing feature of Ni-Mo ores , this article introduces the different technique , such as beneficiation process , pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy and so on. It is pointed out that the hydrometallurgy process is superior in treating Ni-Mo ores over pyrometallurgy process. Some problems come into existence in metallurgical processes of Ni-Mo ores are also pointed out. Furthermore , the development tendency of the treatment technology for Ni-Mo ores is looked forward. KEY WORDS : Ni-Mo ore


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