
不同降雨强度下雨滴粒径与速度特性-以屏东老埤 - 中华水土保持学会.pdf

不同降雨强度下雨滴粒径与速度特性-以屏东老埤 - 中华水土保持学会.pdf

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不同降雨强度下雨滴粒径与速度特性-以屏东老埤 - 中华水土保持学会

中華水土保持年會 1 不同降雨強度下雨滴粒徑與速度特性-以屏東老埤地區為例 * 周佳翰 江介倫 林紘立 摘 要 雨滴的粒徑與速度是計算雨滴動能及模擬降雨試驗時的重要參數依據。唯近年來氣 候變遷趨勢影響受重視,且觀測科技日益進步,因此本研究藉由雷射雨滴譜儀(LPM)觀測屏東 老埤地區的雨滴粒徑及速度,透過雨滴譜儀紀錄 2014 年 5 月到 10 月的降雨雨滴粒徑與速度 等資料,分析雨滴粒徑與速度的特性,期間觀測到雨滴粒徑在 8mm 以內,雨滴速度在 10m/s 以下,各降雨強度之中值粒徑約介於 1.25mm~4mm 間,而最大雨滴粒徑及最大雨滴速度分 別與降雨強度成乘冪的相關性,且體積中值粒徑(medium volume drop diameter)與降雨強度亦呈 乘冪相關,不同降雨強度時雨滴的動能變化可以 E=0.0017(I)1.05 描述,判斷係數 R2 高達 0.954 。 關鍵詞:雨滴粒徑、雨滴譜儀、降雨動能、土壤沖蝕、降雨沖蝕指數 Characteristics of Drop Size and Velocity of Various Rainfall Intensities – A Case Study in Pingtung Laopi Area Chia Han Chou [1] Jie-Lun Chiang[1]* Hung Li Lin[1] ABSTRACT Raindrop size and velocity are the major parameters for calculating rain- fall kinetic energy and rainfall simulation. Because of climate change affect and the improvement of the observation technology, we used laser precipitation monitor (LPM) to observe the relevance be- tween rainfall diameter and velocity of the Pingtung area in this study. The records are from May to October in 2014. The raindrops velocity is usually less than 10 meters per second and the diameter is no more than 8mm. The median volume drop diameter is in the range of 1.25mm to 4mm.The rela- tionship between maximum drop diameter and rainfall intensity can be fitted as power regression model. The relationship between max raindrop velocity diameter and rainfall intensity was fitted to power model as well. The relationship betwe



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