
基于液相色谱与质谱联用的代谢组学及磷脂轮廓分析在糖代谢异常 .pdf

基于液相色谱与质谱联用的代谢组学及磷脂轮廓分析在糖代谢异常 .pdf

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20 11 4 Vol. 29 No. 4 April2011 Ch inese J ourna l of Chrom atog rap hy 307~ 313 特别策划 DOI: 10. 3724 /SP. J. 1123. 2011. 00307 1, 3 2 1 2 2 1* 赵素敏 , 郑 虹 , 路 鑫, 刘 颖 , 苏本利, 许国旺 (1. , , , 116023; 2. , 116023; 3. , 100049) : (LC-M S), ) ) ) (IFG)(NDD) LC-MS , , , (OSC-PLS), (VIP) : NDD IFG(N), : -;; ; ;; : O658 : A : 1000-87 13(2011)04-0307-07 M etabonom ics and phospholipid m etabolic profiling of abnorm al glucose m etabolism based on high perform ance liquid chrom atography-electrospray m ass spectrom etry 1, 3 2 1 2 2 1* ZHAO Sumin , ZHENG Hong, LU Xin, LIU Ying, SU enli, XU Guowang (1. CAS K ey Laboratory of S eparation S ien e for Analy ti al Chem istry, N ation al Chr om atographi R. A. C en ter , Dalian In stitu te of Chem i al Phy si s, Chin eseA adem y of S ien es, Da lian 116 023, Ch in a; 2. T he Se on d Affiliated H ospita l of D alian M ed i al Un iver sity, Dalian 116023, Ch in a; 3. Gr aduate Un iv er sity of Ch in ese A adem y of S ien es, B eijin g 100049, China ) Abstract: Abnorm alglucose metabolism (AGM) has receivedm ore and more attention since its incidence is increasing. Metabonomics and phospholipidmetabolic profiling methods based on high perform ance liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry (HPLC/ESI-MS) have been applied in the study ofAGM. The two different stages ofAGM, including mi paired fasting glucose ( IFG) and new ly-diag


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