
中药及其有效成分影响类风湿关节炎成纤维样滑膜 - 天津中草药杂志社.pdf

中药及其有效成分影响类风湿关节炎成纤维样滑膜 - 天津中草药杂志社.pdf

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中药及其有效成分影响类风湿关节炎成纤维样滑膜 - 天津中草药杂志社

·844 · 中草药 Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs 第 47 卷 第 5 期 2016 年 3 月 中药及其有效成分影响类风湿关节炎成纤维样滑膜细胞增殖和凋亡的 研究进展 1* 2 1 1 1 刘 维 ,杨会军 ,吴沅 ,张 磊 ,薛 斌 1. 天津中医药大学第一附属医院,天津 300193 2. 天津中医药大学,天津 300193 摘 要:成纤维样滑膜细胞是类风湿关节炎滑膜组织中最主要的细胞,在类风湿关节炎发病中起关键作用,是进行类风湿关 节炎病理机制及治疗药物的相关药理研究的主要载体之一。近年来,针对中药及其有效成分对成纤维样滑膜细胞增殖、凋亡 的影响开展了大量研究,部分研究并对抑制增殖和诱导凋亡的相关作用机制进行了探讨。通过综述近年研究的成果,以期为 类风湿关节炎的基础研究、新药开发及临床治疗提供思路和借鉴。 关键词:中药;类风湿关节炎;成纤维样滑膜细胞;增殖;凋亡;信号通路 中图分类号:R285 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0253 - 2670(2016)05 - 0844 - 07 DOI: 10.7501/j.issn.0253-2670.2016.05.027 Research progress on effects of Chinese materia medica and active components on proliferation and apoptosis of fibroblast-like synoviocytes in rheumatoid arthritis 1 2 1 1 1 LIU Wei , YANG Hui-jun , WU Yuan-hao , ZHANG Lei , XUE Bin 1. The First Hospital Affiliated to Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China 2. Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China Abstract: Fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) play a key role in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and they are the main cells in synovial tissue of RA and one of the main carriers for the research in pharmacological or pathological mechanism of RA. In recent years, researchers have completed some scientific research on Chinese materia medica (CMM) and its active components through effects or part mechanisms of proliferation and apoptosis of FLS. This article summarizes and reviews the research advances in the effects of FLS targeting CMM and its active components, in hopes of providing a reference for the new drug development, basic research, and clinical treatment of RA. Key words: Chinese materia medica; rheumatoid arthritis; fibroblast-like synoviocytes; proliferation; apoptosis; signaling pathway 类风湿关节炎(rheumatoid a


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