
功能近红外光谱在大脑成像中的研究及应用 - 红外技术.pdf

功能近红外光谱在大脑成像中的研究及应用 - 红外技术.pdf

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功能近红外光谱在大脑成像中的研究及应用 - 红外技术

第38 卷 第5 期 红 外 技 术 Vol.38 No.5 2016 年5 月 Infrared Technology May 2016 〈红外应用〉 功能近红外光谱在大脑成像中的研究及应用 1 1,2 2 陈兴稣 ,王雪峰 ,王元庆 (1.伊犁师范学院 电子与信息工程学院,新疆 伊宁 835000 ;2.南京大学 电子科学与工程学院,江苏 南京 210046 ) 摘要:近红外光谱的650~1000 nm 是大脑成像的 “光学窗口”,功能近红外光谱技术对大脑成像具 有非侵入、无需注射造影剂、成本低和方便等优点,被应用于脑成像。概述了近红外光谱在大脑成像 中的原理、方法及发展,总结分析了功能近红外光谱技术对大脑探测在提高系统分辨率方法的3 个主 要阶段,提出了存在的问题和发展前景。 关键词:功能近红外光谱;大脑成像;多通道探测;高密度探测 中图分类号:TN219 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-8891(2016)06-0433-07 Research and Application of Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy in the Brain Imaging 1 1,2 2 CHEN Xingsu ,WANG Xuefeng ,WANG Yuanqing (1.School of Electronic Information Engineering , Yili Normal University, Yining 83500, China; 2.School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210046, China) Abstract :Near infrared spectrum of 650-1000 nm is the optical window of brain imaging. Functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) for brain imaging has advantages of non-invasive, no injection of contrast agent, low cost and convenience, so it has been applied to brain imaging. The paper overviews the principle, method and development of near infrared spectral imaging in the brain, analyzes and summarizes the three main stage methods of fNIRS. The three stages have improved the system resolution in the brain imaging. The existing problems and development prospects are also presented. Key words :functional near infrared spectroscopy,brain imaging ,multi-channel detection ,high density detection



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