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扶桑绵粉蚧对温湿度的适应性研究 麦麦提艾力·库来西,阿地力·沙塔尔 (新疆农业大学,新疆乌鲁木齐, 830052) 摘 要:扶桑绵粉蚧(Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley)是2010 年侵入新疆的外来有害生物,该 虫目前在我区只有出现于温室、大棚里,大田还未发现。为探寻扶桑绵粉蚧在新疆野外的适 应性,本文设计高温 37℃、39℃、41 ℃、43 ℃、45 ℃,处理 12h、24h、36h 和不同相对湿 度20%、30%、50%、70%、90%人工气候箱内(12L:12D)不同时间处理和饲养观察其死亡率 发育情况。结果表明:扶桑绵粉蚧高温处理总体上死亡率随温度提高而降低,但在高温37℃ -43 ℃条件下不同时间处理在各处理时间之间没有明显差异,在45 ℃条件下处理时间越长其 存活率越低。环境湿度对它存活率没有影响,但对它发育历期有明显的影响,即湿度高发育 历期短,湿度低发育历期长。 关键词:扶桑绵粉蚧;温度;湿度;适应;存活率 Fuso of Phenacoccus right temperature and humidity adaptive research 1 2 Mamatali·kurax ,adil·sattar (1、2.Xinjiang Agricultural University, Forestry and College of Horticulture Xin jiang 830052 ) Abstract: cotton hibiscus mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley) is one of a danger to the garden, vegetables and field crops of exotic pests, with alien invasive species colonization and proliferation ability. To explore the adaptability of the Fuso cotton mealybug drought, high temperature set at 37 ℃ 39℃, 41℃, 43℃, 45℃, handling 12h, 24h, 36h, and different relative humidity 20%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90 artificial climate box (12L:12D) at different times and rearing mortality developmental. The results showed that: Fuso Phenacoccus high temperature treatment the overall survival rate with increases in temperature decrease, but at different times in the high-temperature conditions of 37°C -43°Ctreatment did not differ significantly between processing time and processing time at 45 ℃ under the more long, the lower the survival rate. Ambient humidity to its survival, but its developmental duration have a significant impact, high humidity and development duration is short, low humidity and developmental duration long. Key words: cotton


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