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原位聚合法制备异恶草酮微胶囊的预聚合成工艺研究 - 河北科技大学学报
31 2 Vol. 31, No . 2
20 10 4 Journal of Hebei University of Science and T echnolo y Apr . 20 10
: 1008- 1542( 2010) 02-0162- 04
1 1 2 3 1 1
葛艳蕊, 冯 薇 , 吕均超, 张淑琴 , 张林雅 , 江 楠
( 1. 河北科技大学化学与制药工程学院, 河北石家庄 0500 18; 2. 河北医科大学西山校区临床部, 河
北石家庄 050200; 3. 河北省科学技术情报研究院, 河北石家庄 050021)
: 对 脲醛树脂为壁材用原位聚合法制备除草剂异恶草酮微胶囊的预聚合成工艺进行了研
究, 考察了单体量比预聚反应介质pH 值反应温度和时间对微胶囊的结构包覆效果和包埋率等
的影响结果表明, 单体物质的量比n( 脲) B n( 甲醛) = 1 B 2. 0预聚反应pH 值为8. 0预聚反应
温度为70 e 反应时间为60 min 时, 可得到 二羟甲脲为主的水溶性透明黏稠预聚物用此预聚
物进行缩聚反应, 可制得结构紧密包覆良好包埋率为26. 7% 的球形缓释性固体微胶囊
: 脲醛树脂; 原位聚合; 异恶草酮; 微胶囊
: O633 : A
Study on pre-polymerization condition of clomazone herbicide
microcapsules by in-situ polymerization
1 1 2 3 1 1
GE Yan-rui , FENG Wei , LV Jun-chao , ZHANG Shu-qin , ZHANG Lin-ya , JIANG Nan
( 1. Colle e of Chemical and Pharmaceutical En ineerin , H ebei Universit y of Science and T echnolo y , Shijiazhuan H ebei
050018, China; 2. Clinical Depart ment of the W estern Campus, H ebei Medical University, Shijiazhuan H ebei 050200, China;
3. Hebei Science and T echnolo y Information Institute, Shijiazhuan H ebei 05002 1, China)
Abstract: Microcapsules with a urea-formaldehy de resin wall were prepared for clomazone herbicide by in-situ polymerization
met hod. The influences of pre-polymerization conditions of urea-formaldehy de, such as molar rat io of urea-formaldehyde, pH
value of reaction medium, reaction t em perat ure and reaction time, on the format ion of Clomazone herbicide