
褐沙蒿种子对干热生境的适应性研究 - 水土保持通报.pdf

褐沙蒿种子对干热生境的适应性研究 - 水土保持通报.pdf

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褐沙蒿种子对干热生境的适应性研究 - 水土保持通报

28 2 Vol. 28, No . 2 2008 4 Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation Apr. , 2008 , 2 刘 芳 , 朴顺姬 , 刘华民 ( . , 0 002 ; 2. , 0 005 ) : (A r tem isia intr among olica ) , , , , , 5 25 , 0 30 , , 35 , , , , : ; ; : A : 000 288X(2008) 02 0090 03 : Q 42. 9 Sui tabili ty of Ar temisia Intramong olica Seeds to the Xerothermic Habitat , 2 LIU Fang , PIAO Shunji , LIU Huamin ( . D ep ar tment of E cology and E nv ir onment S cience, I nner M ong o lia Univ er sity , H ohhot, I nner Mo ng olia 0 002 , China 2. D ep ar tment of E nv iro nment E ng ineering , School of E ner gy and P ow er E ng ineer ing , I nner M ong olia Univ er s ity of Tech no logy , H ohhot, I nner M ong o lia 0 005 , Ch ina) Abstract : A r tem is i a intr among ol ica is a kind of dominant shrub on sandy land in the typical grassland area of our country. It has been suitable to the hot and xeric habitat on sandy land for a long time and has formed a series of characteristics that are adaptive to its habitat. Different temperatures and treatments w ere designed to investigate the germination characteristics of A r te mis i a intr among ol ica seeds. It w as found that optimal temperature for germination w as 5 and 25 . A t 0 and 30 , germination reached a low percentage and at 35 , germination w as inhibited. To test the toler


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