
research progress of bio-materials in alveolar - 临床与病理杂志.pdf

research progress of bio-materials in alveolar - 临床与病理杂志.pdf

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research progress of bio-materials in alveolar - 临床与病理杂志

临床与病理杂志 2016, 36(12) 2076 J Clin Path ol R e s doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2016.12.034 View this article at: /10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2016.12.034 牙槽骨修复材料的研究进展 1 2 2 1 1 李伟豪 综述 任杰 ,董加洪 ,张超 ,李松 审校 (1. 昆明医科大学口腔医学院,昆明 650500;2. 丽水市中心医院口腔科,浙江 丽水 323000) [摘 要] 随着医疗技术的不断更新,为了达到最佳的功能和美观,越来越多的人选择种植义齿修复口腔牙 齿缺失。然而许多患者因牙齿长期缺失、外伤、肿瘤或增龄性变化等原因,导致牙槽嵴缺损或吸 收,加大了口腔种植修复的难度。如何适宜地增加牙槽嵴的高度和宽度,给口腔种植修复创造理 想条件,是口腔种植修复技术的研究热点。目前临床上用于口腔种植中修复牙槽骨缺损的材料品 种繁多,然而许多生物材料的应用缺乏长期的临床应用评价。本文通过回顾骨及牙槽骨缺损修复 材料的发展,就口腔种植术中修复牙槽骨缺损的生物材料作一综述,为临床医生提供参考。 [关键词] 牙槽骨缺损;骨再生;口腔种植 Research progress of bio-materials in alveolar bone defect repairation 1 2 2 1 1 LI Weihao , REN Jie , DONG Jiahong , ZHANG Chao , LI Song (1. School of Stomatology, Kunming Medical University, Kunming 650500; 2. Department of Stomatology, Lishui Municipal Central Hospital, Lishui Zhejiang 323000, China) Abstract As greater medical technology, increasing patients are willing to choose dental implantation to repair defection of denture for functionality and aesthetics. However, many patients with alveolar bone defection or absorption are not fit for dental implantation. Finding an efficient way to increase the height and width of alveolar ridge has become a hotspot of in dental implant prosth


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