
不同冻融处理对猪精子顶体膜蛋白表达的影响 - 安徽农业大学.pdf

不同冻融处理对猪精子顶体膜蛋白表达的影响 - 安徽农业大学.pdf

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不同冻融处理对猪精子顶体膜蛋白表达的影响 - 安徽农业大学

安徽农业大学学报, 2014, 41(1): 20-23 Journal of Anhui Agricultural University 网络出版时间:2013-12-17 16:13:49 [URL] /kcms/detail/34.1162.S1613.006.html 不同冻融处理对猪精子顶体膜蛋白表达的影响 1 1 2 1* 曹立朋 ,孙培亮 ,安松文 ,金 一 (1 延边大学农学院,延吉 133002 ;2 延吉市畜牧局,延吉 133002) 摘 要:为探究不同冷冻解冻方法对猪精子损伤的影响,采用2 种常用的冷冻解冻方法处理猪精子,分别对其 顶体膜蛋白进行分离,进行 SDS电泳和总灰度值的检测和分析。结果表明,采用一次稀释法进行猪精液的 冷冻保存较二次稀释法解冻后精子活率高,精子顶体膜蛋白组分中除 125 ku 和90 ku 处蛋白表达水平低于二次稀释 法外,120 ku、48 ku 、36 ku 均高于二次稀释法。可见,猪精子在受到更深层次(二次稀释法对精子冷冻解冻损伤 大)的冷冻损伤时,伴随着顶体膜蛋白125 ku 和90 ku 表达水平的升高以及 120、48 及36 ku 表达水平的降低。 关键词:一次稀释法; 二次稀释法; 猪精子; 顶体膜蛋白; 表达 中图分类号:S814.8; S828.34 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672−352X (2014)01−0020−04 Effects of different freezing-thawing treatments on expression of acrosomal membrane proteins in boar sperm 1 1 2 1 CAO Lipeng , SUN Peiliang , AN Songwen , JIN Yi (1. College of Agriculture, Yanbian University, Yanji 133002; 2. Yanji Animal Husbandry Bureau, Yanji 133002) Abstract: To explore the effects of different frozen-thawed methods on boar sperms, two ways of freeze and thaw the porcine sperms were used. Isolating the sperm acrosomal membrane protein, detecting total proteins by SDSelectrophoresis, and analyzing the total gray value were conducted. The result showed that the boar sperm viability of freezing and thawing with one-time dilution method was higher than that with two-time dilution method. Compared to one-time dilution method, protein expressions of 125 ku and 90 ku were less than those with two-time dilution method in the components of pig sperm acrosomal membrane proteins, but the protein expres- sions of 120 ku, 48 ku and 36 ku were higher than those with two-time diluti



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