
以电化学技术去除水溶液中聚乙烯醇与cod之研究 - chung hwa .doc

以电化学技术去除水溶液中聚乙烯醇与cod之研究 - chung hwa .doc

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以电化学技术去除水溶液中聚乙烯醇与cod之研究 - chung hwa

以電技術去除水溶液中聚乙烯醇COD之研究陳立憲1周偉龍2*張雅傑謝賢佳陳敏正王志倫 1正修科技大學化工與材料工程系,鳥松,高雄,台灣 弘光科技大學環境安全與衛生工程系,沙鹿,台中,台灣環境安全與衛生工程系 摘要 聚乙烯醇(PVA)是一種用途相當廣泛之水溶性高分子聚合物,廣泛應用於紡織漿料、黏合劑、薄膜等方面。每年排放含PVA之廢水約有650,000噸,若無法有效處理,不僅對人體健康造成危害,更可能影響生態環境。因此本研究目標將以電混凝技術來去除水溶液中之PVA與COD,研究中所選擇的各種參數,包括改變不同電流密度、溫度,其中以PVA與COD的去除效率及能量消耗來找尋最適之操作條件。實驗結果經過120分鐘處理後,有較適合之去除率及較低的能量消耗,最適電流密度為5 mA cm-2,而最適操作溫度為298 K,並可由實驗數據求出不同電流密度與溫度之吸附動力學為一級反應。關鍵字:電混凝、聚乙烯醇(PVA)、COD、電能消耗emoval of Polyvinyl Alcohol and COD from Aqueous Solution by Electrocoagulation Technology Li-Hsien Chen 1 Wei-Lung Chou 2* Ya-Chieh Chang 2 Hsien-Chia Hsieh 2 Min-Cheng Chen 2 Chih-Lun Wang 2 Chih-Ta Wang3 1Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Cheng Shiu University, Niaosong, Kaohisung Hsien, 833, Taiwan, R.O.C. 2Department of Safety Health and Environmental Engineering, Hungkuang University, Shalu, Taichung Hsien, 433, Taiwan, R.O.C. 3Department of Safety Health and Environmental Engineering, Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology, Tainan Hsien, 711, Taiwan, R.O.C. ABSTRACT The removal of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) from aqueous solution using iron electrocoagulation (EC) was investigated. Iron hydroxides generated during EC were used to remove PVA and chemical oxygen demand (COD) from the aqueous solution, and the effects of varying current density and solution temperature on PVA adsorption characteristics were evaluated. The findings indicated that complete PVA removal accompanied by mineralization (COD removal) of an aqueous PVA solution could be achieved within a reasonable electrolysis time and with relatively low electrical energy consumption. The optimum current density and temperature were found to be 5 mA cm-2 and 298 K. A pseudo-first-order kinetic model provided a good fit to the experimental results at various current densities and solution temperatures. Key Words: Electrocoagulation; Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA); COD; electrical energy consumption *通訊作者 Tel.: 886-04Ext 4005 Fax: 886-04E-mail address: wlchou@sun


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